They got out of the car and got a table under a little canopy. Emilie ordered a pasta dish, alfredo was her food, with it being super easy to make. Benny ordered a pretty small burger. Benny honestly looked a bit odd with his harsh wardrobe contrasting this delicate restaurant around them.

Emilie then took a piece of paper out of her sketchbook then handed the rest of it to him along with one of her coals.

"Ok we're going to draw each other and whichever one is better wins,"

"I now understand the unfair advantage you were talking about before," he said trying to look through her sketchbook,"

"Nope, you're not going to do that," she said reaching over at her sketchbook but he moved it so it was just out of reach, "You need to focus! Channel your inner second-grade art project. Everyone had to do that right?"

"I was seven, and already playing chess so I just drew chess pieces,"

"Nevermind that, snack on your food and let's compete,"

Emilie then went and focused on her drawing. Her bites few and far between. When Benny looked at her, there was a determination in her eyes, her eyes like darts zeroing in on the little parts of his face, trying to finesse each and every detail. Benny, not much of an artist, tried at first but then gave up and chose to either eat and watch her draw or attempt to sneak a peek at what's in her sketchbook," He tried to open it to see more,

"I can still see you even if I'm focusing on something else," a mischievous grin on her face.

About half an hour later,

"Times up, let's see what you have,"

His drawing had general shapes, none very accurate and some harsh lines and smudges Emilie could assume were supposed to be outlines and shadows.

"Not my best you see,"

"It's really not that bad, it certainly looks like a person,"

"I did the bare minimum, I'll take it," he sighed with a sour-looking smile on his face. With that, she reached out grabbing his hand and squeezing it fondly. He glanced between her face and their joined and hands, that somewhat of a sneer melted. She held onto it and got up. She put enough money down on the table to pay for both of their meals. Benny showed some protest but she refused to take it instead, leading them back to the car.

"Let's go to times square, I've heard it's cool there,"

"Whatever m'lady wants,"


They arrived in time square shortly, it was a little lackluster.

It had all the dirty parts of cities, there was no perceived innocence here. You could see the homeless, and all the grime of the urban area.

They got out of the car and went to a bookstore in the area.

Once they got in they did the normal browsing. Benny didn't just read chess books though, apparently, he also enjoyed a little science fiction. Not the obvious choice you would think. Emilie browsed the vinyl in the store, while Benny went to look at the latest Chess Review.

"Hey Emilie, did you hear anything back about your article?"

"No, I thought I already told you,"

"You want to come here?"

"Who's article did they put in instead?"

"Just come here,"


"Emilie Harmon get your ass over here," She went quiet and walked over.

Her jaw dropped. That was her picture and her name. Her article.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking GOD!"

There were some shushes from the clerk and some glares from the other people in the store.

"You okay Emmy?"

"I-I'm more than okay," you could feel the energy coming off her, almost crackling like electricity, "I-I" she sputtered out before giving up talking and instead grabbing Benny by his coat collars and kissing him.

"I can see that," he laughed, which made her laugh. He went in to kiss her again.

They then went to buy the magazine and Benny's other book. The clerk glared at them, the way someone who hates their life does.

Benny whispered to Emilie, "Look at us, the published journalist and the U.S. champion,"

"Co-champion," Emilie corrected.

"A champion none the less," they laughed all the way to the car, but their New York excursion wasn't quite done yet.

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆: 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒔 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Where stories live. Discover now