act four ➻ part 1.5

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"Hey, did you take my green blanket?"


"My green blanket! The one Jongho got me for my last birthday?" Wooyoung puffs his cheeks full of air when his companion merely squints at the ceiling rather than responding. "You're using it right now, aren't you? Under the comforter? You just took my blanket, huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Yeosang hums, pulling the sheets up closer to his chin. Wooyoung strains to see if there's a flash of green underneath, but he isn't able to catch anything at this angle. "Besides, what good are birthday presents for someone who doesn't even have a birthday?"

Wooyoung can't resist the urge to roll his eyes. The question is far from offensive or harsh; Yeosang tends to be blunt more than anything else, and he does have a valid point in the question since Wooyoung truly has no recollection of when his birthday is. Although it was Yeosang's idea to claim his birthday as the day he was set free. The warmth in Yeosang's eyes when he suggested that was far too enticing to say no to, so Wooyoung agreed without batting an eye.

"You are a terrible liar, Kang Yeosang," he hisses out, edging closer to the bed. Yeosang lifts a brow but doesn't budge.

"I don't lie."

"You omit the truth, and that's the same as lying." Wooyoung lifts a finger to jab it in the blond's direction, unamused when the other cracks a small knowing smile.

"How so?" He inquires nonetheless. The teasing gleam to his gaze doesn't let up for a second.

"You know how so!" Wooyoung protests quickly. He pulls himself further onto the bed, tossing all his weight onto Yeosang's torso, and the other man releases a groan from the sudden pressure. "I hope you pass out, you thief."

"God, have you gained weight? You seem heavier than usual."

"Heavier than usual? Heavier than usual! Why you little–" Wooyoung reaches behind Yeosang's head and snatches up a pillow before smacking it hard against the Elitist's face. Yeosang manages to bring his arms up in time to block a majority of the impact, but Wooyoung's superior position allows him to work around his arms and hit him on the crown of his head. "I hope that feels heavier than usual too!"

Yeosang huffs out a laugh in response. He snatches the pillow from Wooyoung's hands when Wooyoung next brings the cushion down, pushing it to the side and grabbing hold of his wrists with such ease that Wooyoung's heart practically jumps in his chest. Yeosang twists his body despite being caught under the sheets, and all of a sudden Wooyoung is the one being pinned to the bed, red rushing up his neck at the intimacy of the position.

"H-Hey," he mutters as he glances away from Yeosang's prying gaze.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, Woo."

"I know, I was just teasing you!" Wooyoung stretches his grin, cheeks scrunching up as he beams at Yeosang without a care in the world. The Elitist doesn't seem pleased with his quick response though and continues his train of thought a moment later.

"You could afford to put on a bit more weight at that. And we could spend more time in the training room if you'd like. I'd be hap–"

"Oh hush, you." Wooyoung blows air into Yeosang's face to shut him up, and the tactic works out rather well for him seeing as Yeosang blinks against the assault with confusion painting his features. "Unlike you, my stomach was never fit for a prince's diet or a royal meal plan. But I can eat a bit more if that would make you happy!"

"I like you just the way you are," Yeosang hums in response. He speaks the words so softly that Wooyoung hardly catches them but when he does, the flush on his cheeks deepens to a scarlet.

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