act five ➻ part three

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chapter specific warnings: talks of torture, psychological torture, mentions injuries/infections, mentions of past abuse

"I need to talk to Jisung. I... I have some questions about my past."

"I'll go with you then," Yeosang offers without missing a beat, and he steps into your space. "That Spectre can't be trusted enough to be alone with you. It's bad enough that he's being left alone right now."

"Just yesterday you were talking about how much you hate me," you scoff, turning away from the door to stare him in the eye. "Now you're wanting to protect my every movement?" A huff of air passes through the man's lips. For a moment, he refuses to look at you, and you think he's going to choose to ignore you rather than respond to the question.

"Having Wooyoung speak to me through you put things in perspective a bit," he admits. He drags his tongue over the front of his teeth, then shifts to face you without resistance this time. "If there is even the slightest chance that your death could negatively affect Wooyoung, I have to make sure that doesn't happen. Don't worry, I still hate you. I can't stand you one bit, and I wish that I had a damn guarantee that you getting hurt wouldn't risk Wooyoung's safety because I could care less about looking after you on top of all this mess. Besides Wooyoung — he asked me to look after you, and my feelings about you are meaningless compared to what he wants."

You haven't had much of an opportunity to think about all the ways in which you and Wooyoung could be connected. While there is no guarantee that harm to you would harm him physically too, Yeosang does have a point. Just the chance is enough to be wary about. The same could be true the other way around in turn — anything they do to Wooyoung could potentially hurt you too, but there is no possible way of confirming that at this point in time. All you can do is wonder whether you will be able to see him and the others when you sleep next, should you even be able to sleep because it doesn't sound tempting at all after what you just had to go through.

Your dragging hesitance must bother Yeosang to some degree because he huffs out another sigh and steps around you to lead the way out the door. You shift to follow him, stepping forward into the corridor only to run face-first into the Elitist's back in less than a second. One peek around the curve of his shoulder tells you why he's stopped so suddenly, and it's none other than Jongho who stands before the two of you in the hall.

"Oh good, perfect timing. We need everyone to the medbay immediately," Jongho says with a short nod, looking past Yeosang to give you a glance as well.

"Did something happen?" You ask in response.

"Hongjoong woke up, and he asked to see everyone."

"He woke up? Why? No, no — how is he up?" Yeosang is the one to begin rambling, and he doesn't stop there. "There were no signs of changes in his condition. I thought Yunho said it could be another several days before he woke up?"

"I don't know either honestly." Jongho brings a hand up to drag his fingers through his hair, pushing the locks off his forehead for a moment before they fall flat against his face again. "I came straight away the second Hongjoong gave the order. I don't even know what the situation is quite yet."

"Your conversation will have to wait then," Yeosang murmurs. The two of you exchange a small nod, although you can't say you're too upset about having to postpone the conversation with Jisung.

"Conversation?" Yeosang steps around Jongho as the Berserker asks the question, and you are left to regard each other with confusion while Yeosang starts a path down the corridor.

"I was going to talk with Jisung about some things," you explain, ducking your head to avoid the look Jongho gives you. It's not one that causes any discomfort — moreso there is too much sympathy in that expression he wears, too much underlying pity that makes the pit in your gut deepen further. "Later. It's fine, nothing pressing."

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