Kai Parker

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I hope this meets your expectations, if not lol. (If it really does not please PM me and I'll fix what you didn't like)

I did my research for this one because I don't watch TVD and I didn't want it to be a complete piece of shit, I've only seen about fifteen minutes of it, and by that I mean like tiny clips of different episodes and seasons on my Instagram timeline.

"Kai's a sociopath."

"You know who else was a sociopath-"

"I changed Y/N."

"Saying you changed does not undo all those deaths."

"The point is, Kai feels no remorse. You heard him, he likes being a sociopath!"

"Damon was exactly like Kai, we gave him another chance. Why can't we give Kai one?"

"I know you're blinded by your friendship with the guy-" You glanced at Damon, he shook his head and ignored your silent correction. "But we can't. He's too dangerous. I mean he killed his siblings just to prove a point!"

"You always bring up the past! He's changed!"

"He shoot me with an arrow!" Bonnie butted in.

"Well you provoked him." You muttered, Bonnie rolled her eyes and flipped you off.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I just don't believe someone like Kai can change."

"Ya well that's your problem, I'm heading out."


"None of your business Salvatore."

"If you're going out to see Kai, forgot about it."

"What are you? My mom?"

"No, I'm your smart and protective best friend."

"You're not my friend, you're just a nuisance that likes breathing over my neck twenty-four seven."

"You don't mean that!" Bonnie yelled as you opened the front door.

"Yes I do!" A black Shelby Cobra stopped in front of your house as soon as you closed the door, you groaned, dreading the conversation.

"How'd you get the car?"

"I'm borrowing it from a friend of mine." Kai smiled, stuffing something in his pocket. You walked around the car and popped open the trunk, a man in his forties was stuffed in, his bones broken and his joints dislocated.

"Oh goddammit Kai! I literally just got into an argument with my best friends defending your homicidal ass!" In a flash Kai was by your side, his hand on your back.

"I'm sorry, I knew you liked the car and I wanted to do something special. If it makes you feel better I didn't want to kill him! He made me!"

"Oh he made you? How?"

"I gave him a choice! Die with the car or give it up! He really loved his car."

"Fucking hell Kai! You know what, thank you. I appreciate it but next time we can just walk. Let's get out of here before Damon or Bonnie comes out."

"You're welcome baby."

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever babe."

"Get in the fucking car, I'm driving."


"Promise me, no more deaths for tonight."

"Starting now?"

"Starting now."

"Okay, I promise."

"Make a left here." He pointed, you slapped his hand out of your face and pulled up to the restaurant.

"Why is it eerily empty?" 

"It's a small business."

"Is it just me, or does the waiter look terrified?" Kai glanced up from his plate, a sheepish smile on his face. You dropped your utensils, and stared the hybrid straight in his eyes.

"What'd you do."

"Nothing....after the promise." You scoffed, pushing your chair back.

"You killed someone didn't you?"

"Okay yes fine."

"Where are they?"

"Bathroom." You rushed to the bathroom across the restaurant and rammed the locked door down with your shoulder. It flew open, bolts flying off and hitting one of the several bodies on the white bathroom floor.

"Fucking fuck Kai!"

"I tried booking the restaurant. But they refused. This was the only way."

"We could've just made a reservation and shared the restaurant like a normal couple!"

"It's our anniversary! I had to do something special!"

"Oh god, you didn't kill any kids did you?"

"No! It's all just a bunch of rich straight adults and elders."

"Okay....okay...okay. Let's just go."

"What, but I planned this for days!"

"How many?"

"Like three."

"Let's go."

"Okay ten."

"Did you just try lying to me?"

"Yes! Only because you're trying to leave!"

"Kai, you killed a bunch of innocent people!"

"For you! I did it for you!"

"That makes it worse!"

"Come on Y/N. Let's forgot about them and finish our dinner. Then, if you're still mad at me you can go home." Kai pleaded, you looked down at the shorter man and rolled your eyes.

"Fine, bottom bitch."

"I'll kill you next Y/LN."

"If you can reach."

"You're only three inches taller than me!"

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