Jesse Pinkman/Zayn Malik

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Taking place in 2020The beginning takes place in 2018 tho

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Taking place in 2020
The beginning takes place in 2018 tho

"I thought all this drug stuff was just a gig to get you back on your feet! But then you go and tell me that it's your fucking career, you really believe being a fucking crackhead won't go south!?"

"Y/N, I'm doing good, I'm doing better than I've ever fucking done. Just stay out of it and you'll be fine, we'll be fine!"

"No Jesse, I can't stay out of it because you're my fucking boyfriend, do you honestly believe we can have a good future together? Or am I just another fucking fling!? Am I wasting my goddamn time with you Jesse!? Do you know your fucking clients show up at my doorstep every fucking day, asking me if I got the stuff!?

"You're not a fling. I want you Y/N, you're my first boyfriend, you're the first fucking guy I've ever been with!"

"The first guy? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"I didn't mean it like that." He muttered, not looking up at you. You shook your head in disappointment and packed a bag, throwing his shit in it. You returned minutes later and shoved the duffel bag in his arms.

"Get the fuck out."

"Y/N, don't be like this."

"No Jesse, I can't be with someone who goes out everyday at the crack of dawn only to return at three in the fucking morning. I can't be with someone who has me waiting for them to come back home safe twenty four seven. I can't be with someone who never gives me the time of day. I can't be with someone who....nevermind, just go."

"No, say it. Don't be a fucking coward now, Y/N." He spat, shaking with anger. You scoffed, walking towards him with your finger on his chest. Jesse backed up in fear as you towered over him. When his back hit the wall, words came darting out of your mouth.

"I can't be with someone who hasn't said those three goddamn words back to me, it's been four years, and I'm still waiting for you to say it back Jesse. I can't be with someone like you. I can't be with you." Jesse's anger and fear washed away, the only thing left, guilt.

"Y/N, you know how much I want you, how much I need you, you know how much know how hard it is for me to commit to something, it's hard trusting people-"

"You only want me when you're craving sex or any kind of affection. You only need me so you can come home with food, water, and electricity. You only need me so you can live a comfortable life. I'm like you're fucking sugar daddy or some shit like that Jesse. I love you, but you're a fucking asshole with no heart!"

"That's not true. L-let's just talk this out, okay baby?"

"Don't call me baby and get out of my fucking house."

Two years later

"No, no, and no." You muttered, covering your head with a pillow. You felt the person you were arguing with straddle your waist, and the pillow was removed from your grip.

"Come on babe. It's the weekend, let's go out! Have some fun, get drunk, let's do something fucking crazy!"

"You know what sounds crazy? Staying home and watching your movie again. Let's do that instead." Zayn glared at you, ready to strike. You glared back, daring to challenge him.

"Okay okay. I have a proposition."

"I'm listening."

"How about we go out on a nice drive through town, get some lunch, go wherever you want, whether that be the mall, zoo, aquarium, whatever you want baby. Then after that we stop by a liquor store, pick up a twelve pack of that beer you and I like, and some Brisk Tea and watch your and your mates movie again. How bout that?" Zayn excitedly pecked your lips mutiple times and sprang out of bed.

"I know exactly where I wanna go!"

You turned off the ignition, a grin on your face.

"When you said you knew exactly where you wanted to go, I didn't think this would be it." You stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to Zayn, taking his hand in yours. The shorter man excitedly pushed open the doors, quickly getting lost in the collection of books and Vinyls. You were dragged along, not that you minded of course.

"God and people think you're the badass one of the group." You teased, bopping his nose. Zayn rolled his eyes at you playfully and continued flicking through the racks.

"Should I get Harry's album or Niall's...or both! I'm getting both!"

"I thought you already had all of their albums?" Zayn gasped and shoved you lightly.

"I told you last week that they released their newest albums. Fine Line and Heartbreak Weather."

"You did?"

"Yes, you need to pay attention more babe." He teased, giving the cashier a hundred. The cashier rolled his eyes but you both ignored it.

"You talk about them so much it all gets jumbled."

"Oh shut up." He laughed, hugging your waist as the cashier bagged the vinyls.

"Fucking faggots." The cashier muttered and you walked away. Zayn was quick to turn around, and tell the man off. Saying something about the dude  looking like he poured buckets of oil over his head and let it dry for a week. Then something about his mom's basement. You couldn't process anything as you were too busy staring at Zayn. You didn't even notice the jingle the door makes when someone walks in. Hell, you didn't even notice eyes burning in the back of your head until the tap of a shoulder brought you back to reality. You turned away from your angry boyfriend and the flustered cashier, and meet eyes with someone you never thought you'd see again.


"Hi Jesse."

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