Chris Wood 2

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Part 2 to Chris Wood 1.
For kaiparkerlover123

"Finally figured out how a sign works?"

"Yup. Though you need to figure out how shutting the fuck up works."

"Y/N." Luciel warned.

"He started it!"

"But he's a customer." Jaehee added, sweeping aggressively at your foot. You muttered a string of curses and kicked her broom away.

"Fine, fine. Good damn morning to you old man. What can I get started for you?"

"Do you serve apologies here or?"

"Just order a fucking coffe, maybe even a sweet, just please. Shut the fuck up."

"Y/N, I will fire you!"

"There's no need, please. My apologies, I hadn't realized your employee here was on his man period." You grabbed a plastic fork from the counter and pointed it at the man, ready to jump over the counter separating the two of you and stab him with the flimsy thing.

"I'll fucking skin you! I'll rip your stupid brown hair out! I'll pluck that fucking rats ass of a beard off your face hair by hair, you hear me motherfucker!" Luciel grabbed your shoulders and dragged you to the backroom, you struggled against the taller man's grip, kicking and cussing at the amused man.

"Work without pay for three months!? The fucking warlock started it!"

"You threatened a customer, several times before trying to assault him. If I wasn't so short on employees, you'd be fired!"

"Alright, alright. But I hope you know that I am now relying on you and Luciel financially."

"You always are!" The woman shouted as you angrily exited the shop.

"And it's like, what the fuck? You know?"


"Right! You understand me man. Wait til you hear what my boss did to me!"

"You're in a bar, at ten in the morning, already shitfaced...I'm gonna have to assume she fired you?"



"I gotta work for three months without zero pay! What the fuck! All because of this fucker. He always comes in thinking he's the shit, like okay you're hot, we get it. Move along!"

"He's hot? How hot?"

"Fuckable hot. But he's a fucking asshole."

"Oh yeah?"

"Definitely. Like I'd let him fuck me if he'd drop his all that attitude. He's probably fucking rich, like daddy's money rich."

"You're probably right. I'd bet a million bucks he owns this bar."

"Oh fuck." You groaned, letting your head slam against the sleek wood counter.

"What?" The total stranger laughed, oh fuck me in the asshole, you thought.

"I'm sobbering up, your voice, my visions not blurry anymore. Please, close up and let me starve to death here."

"That's against company policy, sorry."

"Go fuck yourself."

"Why do that when I've got you."

"No, no. I am"

The man practically pushed you into the passenger seat of his car, causing you to almost wack the fuck out of your skull.

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