Chapter 11 - How Many Heads Does It Take to Kill a Hydra?

Start from the beginning

Pain pressed a hand to his collar bone. "I was going for innocence, just as the boss asked, remember?"

"Excellent performance boys, I was really moved, but, my—somehow you keep surprising me." Hades cocked his head to one side.

I bit down on my lip, staring down into the gorge where Hercules was celebrating his heroism prematurely.

"Get outta there, you big lug, while you still can," I mumbled.

Hades appeared behind me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "This is why I told you to get out of there." He pointed.

A hydra even twice the size of the boulder Herc threw slithered from the darkness. My shoulders tensed, and Hades' grip tightened on them.

I have no idea how he did it. Maybe it was the blood of Zeus running through his veins. Or something sappy like courage. But he defeated the hydra.

To say Hades was pissed would've been a gross understatement. For the next three weeks, I, Pain, and Panic sat around watching Hades send creature after creature to fight Hercules, and not one of them were able to beat him.

Hades growled, sending orange bursts of flame in every direction. "I can't believe this guy. I throw everything at him, and it doesn't even—"

The sound of Pain's feet squeaking interrupted his tantrum.

Pain had on a pair of Hercules sandals.

"What. Are. Those?"

Pain swiveled his feet. "Um. I don't know. I thought they were kind of—dashing?"

Hades closed his eyes and rubbed his temple, the other fist at his side shaking uncontrollably.

Leaping up, I slipped in between Pain and Hades, knowing Hades was about to explode.

"Hey, at least he's wearing shoes, right?" I rested a hand on Hades' forearm. "Besides, you do realize this is all your fault?"

Hades' eyes flew open. "Excuse me?"

"All of this fame? Merchandise? Every cart in the marketplace whispering about the heroic Hercules? None of it would be happening if it weren't for you giving him a reason to be heroic."

He stared down at me, and his face softened, turning into an expression I'd come to associate with devious planning.

"Face it, Hades. He's hitting every curve you throw at him."

He gave a toothy grin, pulling me against him and trailing his finger from my shoulder blades to my lower back. "Or maybe...I haven't been throwing the right curves at him."

"No. Please."

He traced his fingers down my arm, his eyes growing heavy. "He's gotta have a weakness, my sweet. Everyone, gods included, has a weakness."

A breath hitched in my throat.

"I'm through playing your little flirt."

His hand splayed across my back, pulling me in tighter. "I think you'll change your mind when you hear my offer."

My heart raced.

"You give me the key to bringing down Wonder Boy, and I'll give you the one thing you crave the most in the entire cosmos." He lowered his mouth, lips pressing against my ear. "Your freedom."

My eyelashes beat against his cheek. "This is that important to you?"

He leaned back, blinking rapidly. "Not the reaction I was expecting."

"Hercules." I pushed away from him. "Your Titan plan. All of it is so important to you over some petty dispute with Zeus that you'd give me up?"

Hades' lips parted, and he stared at me wide-eyed.

"Forget it. Fine. I do this last task for you, and then we're done here. No backing out. That's what you want?"

He didn't answer.

"Besides...this'll give me a chance to spend some...quality time with him." I swayed my hips and flashed as flirty of a smile as I could muster.

Hades' hands balled into fists.

I sauntered over to him, flicking my hair in his face. "I might as well get to have a little fun in the process, right? All the other men you had me wine and dine for you were disgusting oafs, but Wonder Boy? Mm. Muscles, young, nice, and super super strong."

"Strength is a dime a dozen amongst the gods. It's a given. He ain't special."

I shrugged, pressing my back against his arm and pouting at him over my shoulder. "All of Greece seems to think otherwise. Thanks to you."

He whirled me around to face him. "Get the information. I don't care how you do it."

"You sure?" I walked my fingers up his chest. "Even if I have to, oh, I don't know, sleep with him?"

His lip twitched, and his nostrils flared. "Any. Way. Possible."

I raised on the balls of my feet, bringing our faces inches apart. "Suit yourself...Hayd."

His eyes softened, but he let me go.

I kept smiling until my back was to him, and it faded into a frown. There was no way I could be feeling like this. Love the god of the Underworld? It seemed suicidal.

A/N: Fair warning: things are about to take a TURN my friends. Any guesses on how I'm going to switch up the next scene? (if you know what scene is next from the original story ;) )

 Any guesses on how I'm going to switch up the next scene? (if you know what scene is next from the original story ;) )

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Hearts of Greek Fire - A Hades/Meg Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now