And I played along.

"Ohh " i fack a gasp with my hand infront my mouth.

"Did you see that " he still use baby voice where wipping fack tears

"I did . Oh no I'm sad too." I start pouting

The kids got hyper saying sorry and cheering us up.

"Daddy i love you . Sorry ".

We thought to put a end to this.

"Awww baby we are kidding with you". I say and kiss his head.

"Ok Jiyoung go get ready we are going to your school for your transfer certificate. " - Jason .

"Okay papa " Jiyoung beams.

"Are you-.." i got cut of by him

"It will be okay "

"Okay. Kids lets finish your food then we will get ready."

Few minutes latter " we are done."

The kids run to their rooms to get ready.

Me and Jason clear up the breakfast counter.

"You go and help the the kids to get ready I'll handle it" Jason says with sweet smile.

"So sweet " i kiss his cheek and went to upstairs.

The Twins room door opens and Abella exist.

"Mama came and help me i cant choose what to wear."

"Ohh baby lets go"

"Ohh baby lets go"

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Thats what the kids wear

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Thats what the kids wear.

"Okay kids get in the car. If you guys behave in school we'll go to mall and for ice cream. "


"Do you guys wanna have something to eat ?"

"Jason dont give them too much snack  what if they're stomach upset."

"Nothing will happen they warrior. Right warriors? "

"Yessss. And we will protect mommy."

' Passengers to New York City the flight gonna be delay for some minor problem please be corporate. '

"Looks like your gonna be late "

"Thats a good thing i choose a earlier flight so I Will not be late . And mostly i came so you dont have to be alone in boarding."

"You're really are something . You always thing about us most".

"And I only have you guys after her death. if I dont do this for you so who will."

"If I didn't have you and Jiyoung with after that I dont know what I'd do."

Jason pulls me in a hug . A hug which i needed that will keep me sane. Im going back to korea after almost 4 years for permanently.

Me and the kids did go visit my parent's but that was just short visit for couple of time. Since i wasn't ready. My loved one understands me . And even when some still don't the twinn dad  but never pressure.

"Don't thing much of this . Everything will be fine." Jason's word bring me out of my thoughts.

I just give him my smile.

' Passenger to South Korea ready for flight please be on gate number 07. Thank you. Have a safe journey .'
[Idk how airport works since i didn't travelled by it]

"I thing i should go " i say with a sad smile .

"Hmmm go "he says .

"Take care of yourself dont overwork. Call us every night after work." By now some tears is running out of my eyes.

Jason was always my rock after that. Who knew by helping a toddler from bully will lead me to have the best buddy ever.

"Don't cry we are not leaving each other for forever." He hugs me .

"Hmm bye ."

Jiyoung went and hug his dad "bye papa. I'll miss you . Don't worry we will protect mommy." He says i like i really need the protection.

After Jiyoung the twins go and hugs each leg . Jason kneel down to their height takes them each in hug and kiss their head.

After all the good byes we leave .

Seoul here I come.


Hiii anyone here ?

I finely update it .

Please be careful, drink lot's of water. Whenever going wear a mask. Use hand sanitizer. Keep social distance.

And yeah if you find any mistake pls inform me
Stay Safe, Stay gold.

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