Chapter 23

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"Do you really think I'm pregnant?" Izuku asked in a soft murmur, his hand resting on his belly. He didn't feel any different so he couldn't tell if there was a child growing inside him, but the only thought of it made his heart flutter. It was a weird feeling.

Katsuki hummed. He joined Izuku on the large bed and intertwined their hands together, before bringing them to his lips to gently kiss Izuku's knuckles. "I can sense it." He said lowly. "Your scent is already starting to change, it's getting sweeter." He explained and Izuku's heart pounded in response.

"Really?" The omega whispered. He couldn't notice the light change in his own scent, but he had heard about alphas being able to tell when their omega was pregnant. If Katsuki was saying it was the case, then it had to be true.

"Hmm." Katsuki hummed again. He slowly moved on top of Izuku and leaned in to softly kiss the omega's stomach. "I can't wait to see you with your belly all round..." He confessed between soft kisses, the touch of his lips oh so gentle against Izuku's belly.

"My pup..." He whispered in a voice filled with love and tenderness.

He then raised his head to look into Izuku's emerald eyes and slowly leaned in to capture the omega's soft lips with his in a sweet, loving kiss. "My omega..." He murmured against Izuku's lips.

Izuku closed his eyes as a deep purr started to rumble out of his chest. He had rarely seen Katsuki this gentle and he was loving every second of it. His heart was melting and his stomach was filled with flutter. Right now, he wanted nothing more but to start a family with Katsuki, to give birth to his alpha's child...

"If I'm pregnant, shouldn't I stay in the palace?" Izuku eventually asked quietly.

Katsuki had said he wanted the omega to come with him to the war, but Izuku didn't really understand why. A battlefield wasn't exactly the safest place for someone pregnant, even if Izuku wasn't at a late stage of pregnancy at all.

"I can't protect you if you're not close to me." Katsuki answered.

The alpha was confident in his ability to defend Izuku from whoever would try to harm him. After all, he still hadn't found anyone who could win against him. But he couldn't defend Izuku if the omega wasn't near him. He wouldn't be able to assure his security.

"You won't go near the battlefield, of course. You'll stay in our encampment outside the enemy's territory." Katsuki added. As much as he always wanted to have Izuku right by his side, he would never expose his omega to any danger. He would designate someone he could trust to stay with Izuku when he would be away, probably one of his generals. He wouldn't take any risk.

"But at least you won't be several miles away from me." He stated. If any problem occurred, Katsuki would sense it and would come back to Izuku's side the fastest possible, to protect his omega.

Izuku hummed, understanding Katsuki's reasoning. At any rate, the omega knew they wouldn't be able to be separated from each other for this much time anyway. Their bonds wouldn't allow them to.

Katsuki gently brushed Izuku's cheeks before leaning to capture the omega's lips again, locking them in a sweet kiss. Their tongues softly caressed each other, soft moans escaping Izuku's lips as Katsuki slowly made his head spin. When they eventually parted lips, Izuku was softly panting, his beautiful emerald eyes boring into captivating crimson orbs.

"About the silver kingdom's attack..." Katsuki began and Izuku immediately understood where the alpha was going. He suddenly turned his head to the side with a cute pout, the adorable scowl on his angelic face triggering an amused smirk from Katsuki.

"Tell me where should we enter their territory, if not the mountains." Katsuki didn't beat about the bush and got right to the point. He wanted to know what would be the best strategy to attack the silver kingdom and, after the impressive skills Izuku had shown at the last meeting, he knew the omega would know.

"I already said I wouldn't tell you." Izuku firmly said. "I don't want to help you kill innocent people." He told Katsuki, his words final.

Katsuki smirked. He had always loved how fierce Izuku was, never scared to stand up to him. Of course, Katsuki could just use his alpha voice on the omega, but he wouldn't do it. It wouldn't feel right...

Plus, what would be the fun in it?

"I won't kill any innocent, only the soldiers that will try to stop me." Katsuki pointed out, trying to convince Izuku. He wasn't a monster, he never killed defenceless civil just for fun. Yes, he may have brought chaos and burned a few houses down... but at least he didn't burn the people inside with it.

Izuku suddenly got angry at Katsuki's words. "I don't want you to kill anyone at all! You know I hate violence!" He raised his voice, a scowl on his face. Soldiers or not, they were still people. Izuku couldn't understand how someone could even think about taking anyone's life. The simple thought of it made him feel outraged and furious.

Katsuki saw Izuku really was getting upset so he quickly decided to calm the omega. "I know." He stated, his voice low and gentle. "You're so pure and I love this about you." He said as he gently caressed Izuku's cheeks, his crimson orbs gazing right into the omega's emerald eyes.

"Such a sweet and caring omega..." He murmured softly.

And he meant each of his words. Katsuki loved how kind Izuku was. It balanced with his harsh temper and was drawing him to the omega. He wouldn't want Izuku to be any different...

"But I still need you to tell me," Katsuki stated.

He couldn't stop now. He was getting so close to his goal. He really needed to find his parent's counsellor and get responses out of him. He didn't care what it would take, he would give his parents the revenge they deserved.

"I won't tell you," Izuku answered, his determination unfaltering.

"If there are fewer soldiers to stop us, there will be fewer deaths," Katsuki argued and Izuku began to hesitate. That was true but, even so, he couldn't help Katsuki massacre people. It went against everything he believed in. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did.

"Please," Katsuki unexpectedly said. "It's important for me."

That took Izuku by surprise. He hadn't expected Katsuki to use the word 'please' with him, or with anyone else for that matter. It showed just how important this was to him. Izuku found himself hesitating even more...

"I can't help you kill people," he said in a pained voice. He just couldn't do it.

And Katsuki must have understood that he wouldn't change his mind no matter what he told him, because the king finally sighed. "I won't kill anyone," he promised.

He could live without taking someone's life. He liked violence but not necessarily bloodshed. If it was what it would take to make Izuku happy, then he wouldn't kill anyone but only put them into submission.

Izuku immediately perked up at Katsuki's words. "You won't?" He asked, his beautiful emerald eyes filled with tears and hope as he looked at Katsuki. "I won't." The alpha repeated.

"You promise?" Izuku asked again and Katsuki nodded.

"I promise."

Izuku instantly felt lighter after hearing this. He knew that Katsuki was only doing this for his sake and he couldn't help but feel grateful for it. "Thank you..." He softly whispered as he snuggled closer to his alpha.

Katsuki hummed in response. He tenderly caressed Izuku's cheeks with his thumb. "Will you tell me now?" He gently asked as he looked into Izuku's beautiful jade eyes.

"The eastern forest..." the omega finally said.

Entering the silver kingdom by crossing the eastern forest would be sure to not alert anyone of their presence. The various and strong smells that we could find in a forest would completely mask the scent of the crimson army. They wouldn't be detected before they left the forest and they would be able to directly attack the silver palace as the forest was close to it. It was the perfect point to enter the enemy's territory.

"Thank you," Katsuki said in response. He pulled Izuku close to him and pressed a loving kiss on top of his head. "You're so precious, princess," he murmured fondly.

To be continued

I hope you liked this chapter!

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