Chapter 2

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"What happened?" Todoroki asked as soon as they entered Izuku's quarters.

It wasn't as spacious and luxurious as the King's quarters, but it still was impressively big. Expensive furniture was filling the place, sheets and cushions in satin covering the large bed in the middle of the room.

Izuku went to sit on it. His legs felt so weak and he couldn't possibly stay standing any longer; his heart was still beating so fast inside his chest.

"Nothing." The omega answered in a small voice. He was still in shock and was trying hard to stop his body from trembling in fear. He had never been so scared in his life before.

"My prince, you cannot expect me to believe this when you're in such a state," Todoroki said, his concern clear. Izuku hadn't pronounced one word since he had left the King's quarters. His face looked pale and his beautiful eyes were slightly red, anyone could tell the omega had cried.

"Please, I need to know what happened so I can protect you." Todoroki insisted. He had never seen Izuku like this before. "Did the Crimson King do anything to you?" He asked and Izuku's whole body stiffened at the simple mention of the blond alpha. Memories filled his mind and terror submerged him, his stomach clenching in utter anguish.

He had almost been raped.

"H-he tried to..." Izuku finally murmured, his voice shaking and his eyes lowered in shame.

Todoroki didn't need to hear more to understand what had surely happened. Wrath instantly took over his whole being and a growl left him, uncontrollable rage setting inside him.

"How dares he?" He snarled. Izuku was the sweetest and most precious omega of the whole land, nobody should ever put their hands on him and then expect to live on.

"I should kill him," Todoroki stated as he started to head toward the door.

"Todoroki! You cannot!" Izuku immediately stopped him, the omega promptly preventing the bicoloured alpha from leaving his quarters.

"He shouldn't have harmed you!" Todoroki shouted. He was blinded with anger and couldn't think straight.

"He didn't! He stopped!" Izuku replied. And it was the truth. As soon as Katsuki had seen him cry, he had immediately stopped what he was doing. He hadn't apologized, certainly, but at least he hadn't raped Izuku.

"He made you cry!" Todoroki reminded. He couldn't accept this; he couldn't let someone make Izuku cry and not do anything. His role was to protect the prince and anyone who would hurt him would pay the price.

The alpha passed through Izuku and headed toward the door. He was determined, he wouldn't stop until he'd killed the Crimson King, or at least tried to do so. But he suddenly felt arms wrapping around his waist from behind and instantly ceased to walk.

"Todoroki, please..." Izuku pleaded as he pressed his face tightly against Todoroki's broad back. "I cannot lose you, I need you..." He murmured in a small voice, tears starting to fill his emerald eyes.

If Todoroki would defy the King, he was sure to be killed. He may be the finest combatant of the emerald kingdom but even he couldn't fight and hope to win against a whole army. They were in enemy territory and they were alone against everybody.

"My prince..." Todoroki called. He slowly turned around and cautiously took Izuku in his arms, protectively holding the tiny omega close to him. Izuku buried his face into the alpha's neck and started to silently cry, soft sobs escaping his pink lips on their own.

"I-I'm so scared..." The green-haired boy hiccuped. "Y-you're the only one I can trust here, Todoroki... the only one I can rely on..." He confessed as tears rolled down his cheeks.

If he didn't have Todoroki with him, Izuku wouldn't be able to take it. He had been suddenly forced to leave everything he had ever known; his family, his home, his friends... only to be given to the most terrifying alpha he had ever met. He had no choice but to spend the rest of his life with someone he didn't choose to, and there was nothing he could do against it.

It was as terrifying as it was unfair.

Hearing Izuku's sobs was breaking Todoroki's heart. The alpha could only imagine how hard the situation was for the green-haired boy. "Don't cry, prince. I'm here for you, always..." He gently murmured, his arms securely wrapped around Izuku's slender body. "I won't let anyone hurt you." He promised.

It'd been years since he was by Izuku's side; since he was twenty and the omega thirteen. He saw him grow up and become the breathtaking beauty he was now, he would do absolutely anything for the prince's sake.

Izuku was so pretty and precious. Todoroki couldn't help but want to treasure him dearly...

"Todoroki..." Izuku called in a small voice. His sobs had almost faded away, only quiet sniffles were still escaping him. "Listen to me... the Crimson King will hurt me." He stated.

Izuku had seen it, Katsuki definitely wasn't the gentle type. He would do whatever he wanted to him without caring about his feelings. He would certainly not take no for an answer and use him however he would see fit.

Izuku trembled at the only thought of it. He was scared, terrified... However, he had to be brave. He couldn't afford to falter now.

"B-but even so, you cannot do anything about it." He told Todoroki in a shaking voice.

"What do you mean...?" The bicoloured alpha asked. He didn't like where this conversation was going.

Izuku took a deep breath. "The safety of our kingdom is at stake." He reminded. "I agreed to become his and I have to accept whatever will happen to me." He said and Todoroki let out a low growl in response.

"You cannot expect me to not do anything if something happens to you, prince..." He began but Izuku interrupted him. "Todoroki, please." The green-haired boy pleaded. "You'll only get yourself killed. I don't want to lose you, I wouldn't be able to take it..." He murmured in a trembling voice, tears starting to fill his beautiful eyes again.

"Promise me." He asked in a whisper as he intensely gazed into Todoroki's bicoloured eyes.

The alpha lost himself in the omega's emerald orbs. He couldn't say no to him, even less when the green-haired boy was looking at him like that.

Todoroki let out a sigh before finally giving in. "I promise..."

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed this second chapter!

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