Chapter 5

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"You know, your personal guard is so handsome!" Ochaco exclaimed as she combed Izuku's green curls, a dreamy sight escaping her lips.

Like every morning, the brown-haired servant was taking care of Izuku, helping him to bathe and dress. It had been a few days since the Crimson King had left for the Azure Kingdom and Izuku was able to relax without the alpha's terrifying presence, even if only a little. He was still in enemy territory, after all. He hoped this calm would last but he knew Katsuki was going to come back soon...

"You mean Todoroki?" Izuku asked and Ochaco immediately nodded. "Yes! He must be almost as tall and muscular as the King, you're so lucky to have such a knight protecting you!" She excitedly said.

Izuku couldn't deny Todoroki was handsome, the white-and-red-haired alpha certainly was. He was strong and ripped, strength radiating out of him. He had a natural charm, his unusual bicoloured hair and eyes only adding to it. Even the scar around his eye turned out somehow attractive...

"He's been my guard since I was thirteen, I trust him with my life," Izuku murmured. He remembered the first time he had seen Todoroki, he had been scared of the tall alpha. But as time passed he had seen how kind Todoroki was to him, always treating him with care... Izuku became fond of the knight and could now never ask for a better personal guard.

"If you want my opinion, he's into you." Ochaco unexpectedly stated with a small giggle.

Her words definitely caught Izuku by surprise and a blush suddenly spread on the omega's face, a gasp escaping his lips. "What? No, he isn't!" He quickly denied it.

"He definitely is! Have you seen how he looks at you? You'd just have to ask and he would ravish you on the spot!" She claimed and Izuku profusely blushed, his freckled cheeks turning a dark red.

"You think..?" He hesitantly asked, feeling quite flustered. "Trust me, I can tell," Ochaco answered and Izuku nervously bit his lips.

The thought of Todoroki ravishing him wasn't a particularly unpleasant one...

Izuku would lie if he said he had never thought of Todoroki like this. The seven years of age gap between them wasn't a problem as it was common for omegas to marry an older alpha. They matured sooner than the other genders and it was in their instinct to seek for a strong mate that could protect them.

Todoroki was the strongest alpha of his kingdom and if Izuku hadn't been forced to become Katsuki's omega, he would have surely ended up with him.

The green-haired boy let out a soft sigh. "It doesn't matter anymore since I have been promised to the Crimson King..." He murmured, unconcealed sorrow filling his voice.

"Isn't it even better?" Ochaco curiously inquired, not understanding why Izuku suddenly seemed done. "He's the most powerful and handsome alpha of the land, anyone would kill to have your spot." She stated and Izuku felt his heart clench inside his chest. If someone wanted his spot, he would gladly cede it to them.

"They do not know what they're talking about. He only sees me as a prize to show off and a way to have powerful heirs..." He quietly said.

Katsuki considered him as his property and nothing more. It unfortunately was the truth and it hurt Izuku to know he had to spend his life with someone who was never going to cherish him, nor even treat him right...

"But you'll live a life of luxury." Ochaco pointed out, as if it was the only thing that mattered.

Izuku lowered his emerald eyes and focused his gaze on his lap, uncontrollable sadness setting inside him. "I'd rather be loved..." He whispered, his words barely audible and melancholy submerging him.

Living a life of luxury meant nothing if he didn't have a mate that would treasure him and make him happy...

"Are you ready, prince?" Someone knocked on the door and Todoroki's voice could be heard from outside. It nudged Izuku out of his painful thoughts and the tiny omega perked up at the sound of the bicoloured alpha's voice, his emerald eyes slightly brightening.

"Yes, I'm coming!" He immediately answered and Ochaco smiled as she watched Izuku hurrying to open the door. She had finished dressing him and styling his stunning green curls; her work was done here.

"You look as beautiful as always, prince," Todoroki told Izuku as the door was opened, his eyes taking in the sight of the beauty in front of him. Even with seeing the prince every day, he couldn't help but always find him absolutely breathtaking.

A soft blush appeared on the omega's cheeks at the compliment. "Thank you, Todoroki..." Izuku timidly replied, his jade eyes shyly lowered as his hands slightly fidgeted with the fabric of his luxurious clothes.

"Are we going to the library, today?" Todoroki inquired and Izuku nodded, his eyes moving up to meet the knight's gaze. "Yes!" He cheerfully answered.

Izuku was allowed to wander anywhere he wished as long as he stayed in the castle, however, the library was the only interesting place. Kirishima had assigned guards to constantly watch over him, making sure he wouldn't run away.

But, even if he could run away, Izuku wouldn't. Not when it meant putting the Emerald Kingdom and his people in danger.

"Let's go, then. I'll escort you." Todoroki said and a soft smile made its way on Izuku's adorable face. He felt safe in Todoroki's presence, he was glad to have the bicoloured alpha with him.

They started to head in the library's direction when a soldier with blond hair and yellow eyes unexpectedly came to meet them.

"The king has come back." He informed, his words instantly causing Izuku's heart to stop beating. The omega held his breath, anxiety already clenching his stomach as he fearfully waited for the soldier's next words.

"He has asked to see the prince."

To be continued

The next chapter will be longer and more interesting ;)

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