Chapter 14 - Lorenzo

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"Why?" she asked then bit her lip looking me up and down, my eyes could not stop looking at her as the water flowed all over her body.

Why? Because it is taking every bit of strength in my body not to pick her up, throw her on my bed, open her legs, eat her fucking delicious pussy again, shove my fingers inside of her then stop just as she is about to cum. To shove my dick down her throat until she gags and then fuck her with it until she screams my name and squirts all over my fucking bed and I make her mine. But I can't, not yet. I lean past her to turn the shower off, not answering her question. 

"Come it's late, we fly back tomorrow, we need sleep" I say handing her a towel.

She looks disappointed that I didn't answer her question but follows me to the bedroom.

"Here put these on" I give her a pair of my grey tracksuit trousers and a t-shirt "I will walk you back to your room"

she stood still with a look of hurt in her eyes, fuck I hate seeing her sad this is an unusual feeling for me.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask her

"Am I not staying here with you tonight?"

"Women don't sleep in my bed" I tell her firmly.

I have never slept like actually slept next to a woman, not in my bed and not in theirs. I am most vulnerable when I am asleep, I have never trusted someone enough to let them stay with me, even her. She doesn't like this answer.

"So I am just a random woman to you? I am such a fucking idiot" she's pissed, she pulls on my tracksuit bottoms and pulls the t-shirt over her head frustratedly. 

"Fuck you Lorenzo" she says as she shakes her head at me, a mix of sadness and anger in her eyes.

I would be more angry about the way she spoke to me but it's hard when everything she is wearing is about 5 times too big, she heads to the door.

"Em-" I called to her but she left slamming the door behind her.

FUCK!!! I rip the top sheet off of my bed and I fall back onto it looking up at the ceiling.

I don't know how to do this, I don't know how to be in a relationship. I'm fucking 26 years old and I've never had any kind of real relationship.

Give me a mission - I will do it, kill someone, torture someone, run a fucking Empire, I wouldn't hesitate but this is, I am out of my depth. Emilia will be my wife in 3 weeks, I agreed to this, I chose her! FUCK!! why can't I drop my guard?

When my father came to me after my mother's death I knew what he was going to tell me. His behaviour, his recklessness, his cruelty only grew more rapidly since she passed. It was like he felt suppressed in some way by my mother and after he death finally was free, not that he wasn't still cruel and horrid when she was alive but it wasn't this bad.

As the days after her death went by I knew he planned to work without a Council. He felt that it was wrong for a woman to hold that much power. He resented my mother for it and manipulated her to his will, but pressure built among the other Don's they spoke of wiping out the family, no one wanted to risk another war. So when he came to me I knew it would be to demand I take a wife to satisfy the other families - my father would always try to save himself and hold on to his empire.

I knew I could not refuse so I agreed, my father suggested some women from lesser families with empires half our size but I knew who I wanted, it was Emilia Tradelli. She is the Daughter of the most powerful Don, his empire was old, its roots were deep and vast, he inherited it - his family was one of the few that went back to the very beginning in Italy and he has managed to hold it and make it thrive... I wanted that.

I knew a marriage to his daughter could secure me part of that empire, especially when her mother dies, I knew she would be Council for our family and the Tradelli's. She would sit at both, as she only has brothers. It is tradition for a daughter to become council if there are no daughters - as there is in my case then the wife of the Don fills that position. She will be the most powerful Council linking our Empires forever.

As soon as I decided it would be no one else but her, I gathered all the intel I could. I had no idea what she looked like, she could have been a pig, I had no intention of loving her, feeling anything for her, she would be a means to an end, as long as she provided an heir and gave me access to the Tradelli Empire I didn't care.

A few weeks after my decision was made my father and I attended a fundraiser. I brought along one of my girls so if the night was boring I knew the end would make up for it. That was when I first saw her, she was wearing a navy slip dress, that went to the floor, her hair was down and flowing against her breasts, her body was perfect, and her smile my god her smile words can not describe it, her eyes were like sparkling emeralds, she was laughing, it was like music to my ears, she was beautiful. There was something about her, I needed her.

At that moment, something inside me changed, what once held me to the earth shifted to her, nothing else seemed to matter. It was then that I knew I had to have her, in one way or another as a mistress I didn't care. What I didn't know at the time was that she was Emilia. My guys had struggled to get any photos of her, there is a reason the law doesn't know what we look like. I made my way over to her but before I could reach her someone approached her from behind, I remember feeling angry, protective and jealous, I didn't know who she was but I wanted her for myself, then they called out her name "Emilia". I stopped in my tracks and turned away so she wouldn't see me, I knew our time to meet would come she would be my wife. 

In the months leading up to when we would first meet she was all I could think of, the only brief distraction came from work, not even spending time with other girls. One of the girls liked to party her name was Gina, she was my go to before, she was hot but I felt nothing. Before I saw Emilia, Gina and I would drink and fuck and drank more. That was the girl Emilia saw with me on the night we met, I had just told her that I was getting married.


"Lorenzo, what are you doing here? It's been so long." Gina said with a smile on her face and was surprised to see me.

Fuck why is she here?!

"I'm here with Maria. She invited me" it's like she read my mind.

"Don Tradelli" I heard one of the other Don's call out by the entrance FUCK that means Emilia will be close behind.

"What's wrong baby?" Gina said stroking my arm

I grabbed her and pulled her into the room next to us

"oo tonight is going to be fun" she said giggling - god her voice is annoying, I am usually a lot more drunk when we are together but now I can barely look at her, the time we spent together feels like a lifetime ago for me.

"I won't see you anymore Gina" I said abruptly, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"What? Why?" she said in a panicked voice.

"This has been fun but nothing more, it's been months since I last saw you let's keep it that way" her face dropped and tears started to form in her eyes.

"Why? But I..I love you please baby"

"Fuck sake Gina! I don't want you! I am getting Married" I snap at her my patience is rapidly waning

"you can't get married!!" the tears started falling down her cheeks, I don't like to see women cry, but at the same time I feel nothing besides uncomfortable.

"Who is she? Why didn't you choose me?" she was sobbing but my patience was wearing thin "I can't not be with you, I can't please don't send me away, I will do anything, be anything, keep me as your mistress" the desperation was written all over her face and in her voice.

"ENOUGH!" I shout. I don't have time for this, Emilia is in here somewhere Gina needs to leave now! but she isn't listening to me.

"GINA!" I growl at her "you were a temporary half way useful distraction, that is all, I feel nothing for you. Leave...NOW!"

I can tell what I said hurt but I don't care, I need to find Emilia. Gina turns and runs out the door crying. FUCK I didn't need to deal with that tonight.

End of flashback

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