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       So thought I should put a pic of what Alec looks like and I found a pic that's pretty spot on except he would have brown eyes instead of blue ones like Dall's

After walking out Dally's room I caught up with Alec and the rest. "What's got you smiling so much?" Two-bit asked nudging Ponyboy while doing so. "Will you quit it Two, we all know why or close to why" he said rolling his eyes with his cheeks turning pink.

"Well, I mean if you had to know" I say smiling over at Pony who just keeps getting more red. "We don't. Dear lord I don't want to know what you did with my brother" Alec shakes his head wrinkling up his nose. I just laugh at them walking out of the hospital.

We decided to catch a bus home. Ponyboy and I didn't really feel like walking or hitch a ride. Two-bit and Alec left us suiting on the bench at at the bus stop while him and Alec went to a gas station to buy some cigarettes. I was kind of sick to my stomach and sort of groggy. I was nearly asleep when I felt someone's hand on my forehead, I almost jumped out of my skin. Alec was looking down at me worriedly "you feel okay? you're awful hot"

"So do you Pony" Two-bit says feeling Pony's head as well. "I'm alright, just tired really" I say smiling a little at Alec. "I'm fine" is all that comes from Ponyboy.

Two-bit and Alec looked at each other as of saying, he's not really fine. I guess Ponyboy could tell and he states quickly, " don't tell Darry, okay? Come on, Two-bit, be a buddy. I'll be well by tonight. I'll take a bunch of aspirins."

Alec rolls his eyes, "you know Darry will kill him if you're actually sick and go ahead and fight anyways" he says giving Pony a hard stare. " And if you keep your mouth shut, Darry won't know a thing." Ponyboy snaps back at Alec, but I can tell in an instant he regrets it.

Alec picks Ponyboy up by the collar and brings him real close to his face, "Wanna say that again?" Alec yells. Ponyboy just bites his lip and looks down. "Alec, put him down please" I say putting my hand on his shoulder gently.

He just glances my way, before making eye contact with Two-bit. "I'm outta here" he throws Ponyboy down walking away. "Babe!" Two-bit shouts earning disgusting looks from by standers. Alec doesn't stop, but he does slow down enough for Two-bit to catch up.

"Look at me" Two-bit says, Alec finally turns around looking straight at Two-bit. "Wh-." Alec didn't even get to finish before Two-bit pulled him by his jacket crashing his lips in a heated kiss.

When they finally pulled apart they were both smiling. Two-bit ran back over to me handing me enough money for me and Ponyboy to ride the bus before heading back towards Alec. "Where are you going?" Ponyboy asks looking at the money in my hands confused. "With Alec, we're gonna go umm" Two-bit stopped thinking of something to say.

"Watch Mickey Mouse" Alec says pulling him with him in the opposite direction.

Once we get on the bus I leave Ponyboy alone, only giving him occasional glances. " do you know somethin?" I say looking up at the ceiling of the bus. "You think you could get away with murder, living with your big brother and all, but Darry's stricter than you than your folks were, from what I've herd" I say looking over at him smiling a little.

"Yeah" Ponyboy looks over at me giving me a small smile in return, but it quickly disappears. "But they'd raise two boys before me. Darry hasn't." He says looking back out the window. Talking about Darry had risen another thought, "You know, the only thing that keeps Darry from being a soc is us."

"I know" Ponyboy says glancing at me for the last time that ride.

As we got off the bus Ponyboy looked at me in the eyes before shifting them to the ground. "Tonight- I don't like it one bit" he finally says, I look over at him understanding where he's coming from. Everything with Johnny and Dallas I don't like it one bit either.

I shove him smiling "you know if Alec or Two-bit herd you, they'd call you chicken" Ponyboy just rolls his eyes shoving me back laughing. "I ain't chicken"

Cherry Valance was sitting in her Corvette by the vacant lot when we started to get closer to Pony's house. Her long hair was pinned up, stopping it from blowing every way in the wind.

"Hi Ponyboy" she said smiling at him, she then turned to me and smiled the fakest smile I've ever seen, "Hi Chelsie." I just rolled my eyes staying next to Ponyboy. "Hey guys!" Two-bit yells running over to us. "What happened with Alec?" Ponyboy asks smiling at Two-bit. "He had something he had to do before the rumble" Two-bit winks at me smiling.

I just shake my head smiling knowing exactly where Alec went. "What's up with the big times?" Two-bit asked. She tightened the strings on her ski jacket. "They play your way. No weapons, fair deal. Your rules."

Two-bit looks skeptic, "you sure?" He asks again. She nodded, "Randy told me. He knows for sure." Two-bit turned and started home. "Thanks Cherry" Ponyboy says turning around headed back with me.

"Ponyboy, stay a minute" Cherry says smiling sweetly at him. Me and Ponyboy both stopped and went back. "Can I speak to Ponyboy alone?" She asked giving me an annoyed look,

"I think he wants me to stay, right Ponyboy?" I smile over to Ponyboy. All he does is smile and shrug his shoulders. Cherry just rolls her eyes, "Randy's not gonna show up at the rumble."

"Yeah, I know" Ponyboy responds. " he's not scared. He's just sick of fighting. Bob..." She swallowed, then went on quietly. " Bob was his best buddy since grade school."

I thought of soda and Steve. What if one of them saw the other killed? Would that make them stop fighting? No, I thought, maybe it would make soda stop, but not Steve. He'd go on hating and fighting. Maybe that was what Bob would've done if it had been Randy instead of him.

"How's Johnny?" She asks crossing her arms. "Not so good, will you go up to see him?" Ponyboy asks hopeful. She just shakes her head, "No I couldn't"

"Why not?" I ask saying something for once. It was the least she could do. It was her boyfriend who had caused it all, and then I stopped. Her boyfriend...

"He killed Bob. Oh, Maybe Bob asked for it. I know he did. But I could never look at the person who killed him. He only knew his bad side. He could be sweet sometimes, and friendly. But when he got drunk it was the part of him that beat up Johnny. I can't go see Johnny. I know I'm too young to be in love and all that, but Bob was something special. He wasn't just any boy he had something that made people follow him, some of that marked him different, maybe a little better, then the crowd, do you know what I mean?"

For once I didn't hate Cherry Valance, I could see in her eyes the pain and I know if it were Dallas I'd be the same maybe even worse.

You Give Love A Bad Name//Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now