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I open my eyes to see a roof and  I'm laying on something much more comfortable than the hard grassy ground outside the church. Wait the church!

"Dally, Johnny, Pony?" My voice is all sore and scratchy, when I try to sit up, a hand pushes me back down. "They're fine two of your friends are in ambulances and one is in the other patrol car" a lady with mid length brown hair that was curly at the bottom says.

"Oh" is all I say remembering that past events. "You and your friends must be very brave huh?" She says smiling at me. "I don't know, we're just greasers" I say sitting up successfully this time.

"Really?" She asks looking shocked. "Yeah, take us to town you'll see pretty soon" I look out the car window to see us pull up in front of a hospital.


I walk in and take a seat a next to Ponyboy where they told us to wait for someone to come pick us up. "Chelsie you okay?" I look over to Ponyboy with black gunk all over his face from the smoke looking at me worried.

  "Yeah, I'm fine just a little sore is all. What about you though? You have it worse than me" I say looking down at myself seeing only a couple black spots on my shirt and jeans.

"Same, I'm just worried about Johnny and Dally" he sighs leaning back into the chair looking up at the ceiling. I nod in agreement while looking down at my worn down dirty converses hoping that they're okay.

As if on cue the doors open and a nurse walks out rolling Johnny on a gurney. Me and Pony both stand taking in the sight of Johnny passed out with tubes up his nose and burns everywhere.
"Johnny..." I whisper to myself trying not to cry.

"I swear if y'all ever do anything like that again I'll kill you both" I look up seeing Dally pointing to me and Ponyboy with bandages around his chest and a couple burns on his arms, before being rolled away by the nurse.

I smile a little shaking my head at how Dallas could still mess around like that, but I'm still worried that there could be something more wrong with him.

And, Johnnycakes, I'm real worried about him, he looked like he could die any second but I've gotta have hope that he'll pull through. I know he will, he's stronger than any of us even he doesn't know it.

All of the sudden the doors slam open revealing Alec sweating and out of breath. Once he takes a quick look around he runs right past us running towards Dally's room.

He didn't even stop to really look at us, though its pretty understandable. I mean that's his only brother and from what I've seen and been told they care a whole awful lot about each other.

I smile a little wishing I had a sibling that I could be like that with. But, nope instead I got drunks as parents that half the time remember that they have a kid.

A couple minutes pass after Alec ran past us when Darry and Sodapop walk through the doors. I smile over at them but turn my head when they start having a personal moment.

"Hey Chelsie you alright?" I turn around to be face to face with Sodapop. "Yeah, I'm fine" I smile at him showing him that I really am okay.

"Well that's good to hear. We were all really worried about you guys when we got a call from the hospital sayin that y'all were in some kind of fire or something" he says smiling reaching out a hand to help me up, witch I gratefully accept.

"Also Chelsie you can stay at our place tonight or well whenever you need since your parents and all" Darry trails off looking to the side. "Wait, how did you know?" I ask surprised because I never told them. "Alec told us" Sodapop jumps in giving me a small smile.

"Well, thanks guys it really means a lot" I smile at them. "Anytime Chels" Ponyboy says putting his arm around my shoulders.


"Anyway do you guys know anything about Johnny or Dally yet?" Sodapop asks with hopeful eyes getting into Darry's old pick up truck. "Not really but Johnny looked pretty bad" Ponyboy says looking down.

"Really? Well I hope he's okay. That kid, I have feeling will actually get out of this town and be able to do something to change this world, even with his parents being the way they are"

Sodapop looks out the window lightly shaking his head, while Darry sighs looking over to his brother. "If only he wouldn't have ran into that church" I whisper to myself trying to hold back tears.

If only I stopped him from going in he wouldn't be in this mess and hurt. He'd still be smiling and laughing with us, but now he's laying a hospital bed with burns all over his body.

And it's all my fault

You Give Love A Bad Name//Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now