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After the talk with Johnny I was ready to just leave, but he was able to convince me to stay saying he didn't want me to get jumped.

"I don't know Johnny I feel like I'm gonna cry if I look at him" I say keeping my eyes down while walking back out to the seating. "Then don't look just watch the movie or talk to me and Pony" he says smiling at me. I smile back thankful that Johnny was here with me and I wasn't alone.

When we get back down to our seating Dally is no where to be seen. I'm a little happy that I don't have to see him, but any little happiness I had is gone when I see Cherry smiling and talking with Pony.

"Come on Chelsie" Johnny tugs at my arm to keep walking. Right when we sit Johnny is pulled into a conversation by Marcia. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about, but next thing you know Johnny and Ponyboy are sitting up with Cherry and Marcia leaving me alone and ignored.

I just shrug it off and try to pay attention to the movie, but I'm pulled into a conversation from Cherry when she turns back and looks at me with utter disgust and asks why I'm still here.

I wish I could just punch her

I think to myself, and probably would have if it weren't for Two-bit and Alec showing up giving Johnny a heart attack. "Hey what's up Chels where's my brother?" Alec asks looking around.

"Yeah, where is ol' Dal anyway?" Tim says showing up out of no where. "He's not here really, y'all seen Dally?" Ponyboy asks looking around at us while we all shake our heads no.

"Well I'll be looking for him. I know he's the one who slashed my tires and if I don't get him you can bet I'll come and get you little Winston" he says looking at Alec before walking off.

"Bastard" Alec mutters to himself. "Well why are you graesers sittin up here for?" Two-bit asks smiling like an idiot. "They asked us to come sit up here with them to protect them" Johnny says.

"Is that why Chelsie is back here by her self?" I look over to Alec a little thankful that he's sticking up for me. "Oh well" Johnny and Pony just look back and forth between themselves trying to think of something to say.

"Well why does it matter if she sat by herself its not like she was getting hurt or anything" Marcia says smiling at Alec trying to look all innocent.

  I knew that got on his nerves and he probably would have ended up punchin her to if I didn't grab his wrist and Two-bit rubbing his shoulder. After that the movie went by quickly and before I knew it we were walking out of the drive in.

We were all gonna just go home but Ponyboy insisted that we walked them home. Man was it the wrong night not to bring a jacket. "Here" Alec threw me his jacket only leaving him in a cut off military green shirt.

"Man it sure is cold out" Marcia says walking closer to Two-bit smiling up at him. "Sounds like a personal problem" Alec says lighting a cigarette. Two-bit just laughs wrapping his arm around Alec's shoulders while Marcia walks away mad and cold.

"Marcia" Cherry yells when a blue mustang pulls up behind us. Two socs jump out one I immediately recognize as Bob Cherry's boyfriend.

"What are you greasers doing picking up our women?" Bob says. "Listen if we wanted to pick up women we'd pick some up that are actually pretty decent" Alec says stepping in front of Bob smiling.

"Listen here pal we got two more in the back seat" Randy says glaring at Alec. "Well pitty the backseat" Two-bit says pulling out his switchblade getting in Randy's face.

I just stand there frozen unable to move while I just watch Two-bit and randy yell at each other until they're interrupted by Cherry.

"Stop it! We'll go with you alright? just give me moment I hate fights" she says walking over to Ponyboy. "Sure ya do sweet cheeks" Alec says rolling his eyes.

"What was that greaser" Bob says stepping up into Alec's face. "What are you gonna do?" Alec says taunting him. Bob steps away from Alec knowing that if he did try something Alec would beat him.

I admired Alec in that way not scared to say what he thinks out loud knowing what could happen to him though I guess getting thrown into jail at a young age and living on west side of New York makes ya tough even if you don't want to be.

You Give Love A Bad Name//Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now