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~1 Year Later~


Everyone clapped and cheered as the students threw their caps into the air once the principal had declared them all college students. Blue and white balloons rained down on everyone. There were laughter and a few tears. They did it, they survived four grueling years of high school

The graduates cleared the gym and made their way outside to say their goodbyes


Outside the school, Hunk, Shay, Allura, Romelle, and Pidge are having their pictures taken by their families

Pidge: Getting annoyed Can we move now?

Coran: Few more!

After about ten more shots, they drop their strained smiles and relax

Allura: Where's Lance and Matt? If we had to suffer through that, so should they.

Over here!

The group turns to see Matt walking out of the school and carrying Lance bridal style, much to the Cuban's protest. Behind them are Lance's family and Matt's parents with their phones pointed at them, probably recording them

Hunk: Have they suffered enough?

Allura: Yep.

Lydia: Here comes the happy couple!

Lance: Mamá! He starts playfully slapping Matt Matthew Holt, you put me down right now!

Matt: Can't! I love you too much! He starts kissing Lance on his cheek, making him laugh

Pidge: Smirks Gay!

Lance: Bi! Now put me down. Matt complies and sets him down Thank you.

Pidge: Now let's go party, bitches!

Shiro: Pidge, language.

Sam: Yes! Thank you!

Pidge: Screw you! I'm a fucking college student now, you hoes!

Shay: Giggles Let's head to the diner.

Sam: Are we all gonna ignore the fact that Pidge called us hoes?

Shiro: He sighs You get used to it.


Many of the graduates and their families have filled up the diner, and are loudly celebrating

Allura: I'm going to miss you guys! Shay hugs her when she starts to cry I can't believe it's over!

Pidge: She quickly wipes away a tear, making sure no one notices Don't start crying over it.

Matt: Notices a tear going down Lance's cheek Aw, baby. Don't cry.

Lance: I'm not! This place is just really dusty!

Pidge: Wiping away even more tears Yeah! It really is!

Lance: I really am gonna miss you guys. You've all helped me through a lot, and you still are. I won't lie, I still need a lot of help. But I'm glad you guys were always there for me.

Allura: Lance, of course we're here for you... And I'll admit, this is not how I thought we'd all be spending our graduation.

Hunk: He sighs Yeah, I thought it'd be all of us here.

Lance: ... Before everything happened, Keith and I always talked about taking his motorcycle to the cliff at sunset the night of graduation, kinda like those cliche teen movies. He chuckles Then we'd just take in the view and kiss... Now just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up.

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