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(I'm not very familiar with how a courtroom works, so let me know if I need to fix something)

The courtroom was large and intimidating. Lance, Matt, Allura, Romelle, Pidge, Hunk, Shay, and Shiro slid into their seats, their families took the row behind them, and in front were journalists. Officers stood at the exits, clearly meaning business. The judge was seated. A formidable African American woman who looked to be in her forties. One could tell from her steady gaze that she meant business

Shay: She looks terrifying.

Pidge: That's Jolene Armice. She's sentenced thirty-five domestic abusers and rapists to life in prison.

Romelle: She folds her arms Hopefully thirty-six.

The doors of the room opened, all heads turned to see Keith enter with two police escorts. He was handcuffed, and his usual clothes were swapped for an orange prison jumpsuit. As he passed by their row, he locked eyes with Lance and sent him a devilish grin, causing Lance to hold onto Matt for comfort. He sat down at a table with a woman the others presumed to be his lawyer.

Hunk: I'm surprised anyone would defend him.

Romelle: That's Honerva Daibazaal. She's been working in the field of law for thirty years. Eleven mobsters were found not guilty because of her.

Pidge: Oh, boy.

The loud banging of the gavel silenced everyone

Bailiff: All be seated and silent. Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Jolene Armice presiding.

Jolene: Thank you. She glances down at the sheet of paper in her hands The charges against Keith Kogane, are as follows: Manslaughter, sexual harassment, blackmail, physical abuse, sexual abuse, assault and battery, use of a false ID, and bringing a gun into school property. She glanced over at Keith and his Lawyer Mr. Kogane has agreed to have a lawyer present. How does the defendant plead?

Honerva: She stands Not guilty, Your Honor.

Jolene: She nods Prosecution, you may begin your opening arguments.

The prosecuting lawyer was a tall Indian woman well in her fifties, wearing a blue pantsuit- Ryner Olkari. She went to stand in front of the judge's bench

Ryner: The prosecution hereby alleges that the crimes committed by Keith Kogane were premeditated with malicious intent. Mr. Kogane, what do you say to these charges?

Keith: Not guilty, ma'am.

Ryner: She raised an eyebrow We'll see about that. She walked over to her briefcase and opened it, taking out a few sheets of paper In my hand is evidence proving that Keith Kogane did in fact commit the crimes he's being accused of. Most are pictures taken by students who were present at Altea High School's Valentine's Day Dance. Present here within the court are outstanding young people who discovered, gathered, and presented the evidence. I would like to call Matt Holt forward to give testimony.

Jolene nodded. Keith glared at Matt as he was called to the witness stand

Jolene: Before we start, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Matt: He nods I swear.

Ryner: Good. Now, Mr. Holt, which aspect of evidence did you gather?

Matt: I got a recording of Keith threatening Lance in the bathroom. And with the help of my sister, we found the texts Keith, posing as Lance, sent Nyma that lured her to her death.

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