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Matt was walking down the hallway, reading a book, but became distracted when he heard running water coming from the bathroom. He went in so he could turn the water off, but stopped and screamed when she saw Lance, unmoving and his head in the overflowing sink

Matt: LANCE! He threw his book to the side, ran over to Lance's still body, and lifted his head out of the sink Oh my God! Tears began to form in his eyes when he wouldn't wake up. Knowing how serious the situation was, he laid him down on the floor and proceeded to give him CPR. After about a minute, Lance started coughing up water Lance! Are you okay? He doesn't respond Lance, talk to me... Please.

Lance: ... Why did you do that?

Matt: I wasn't just going to let you die!

Lance: But why?! He gets up off the floor, staggering a bit I wanted to die! I don't want to be here anymore!

Matt: Lance, I understand you're upset, but suicide isn't the answer!

Lance: Yes it is! I just wanna die!

Matt: It isn't! Imagine how your friends would feel, imagine how your family would feel!... I'd... We'd miss you, Lance... He wipes a tear forming at the corner of his eye Why would you want this?...

Lance looked away, not being able to look Matt in the eye. A minute passed, and Matt sighed

Matt: I'm taking you home. He nods Alright, let's go. He walks him out of the bathroom, Lance's head resting on his shoulder Whenever you're ready, talk to me. Okay? Another nod

Matt drove Lance to his house in complete silence. When they walked in the house, Lance's family immediately crowded around him when they see his tear-stained face. Lance's father, Victor, talks to Matt

Victor: What happened to him?

Matt: ... He tried to commit suicide.

Hearing that, Lydia pulls Lance in for a hug, and rubs circles on his back, attempting to calm him down

Matt: He wouldn't talk to me when I asked why.

Victor: Sighs Thank you for helping him... I gotta be honest, I'm surprised Keith wasn't the one to save him.

Matt, Veronica, Luis, Marco, And Rachel tense when they hear him say that, but it goes unnoticed by Lydia and Victor

Matt: Well, about Keith... Keep an eye on him. He and Lance haven't been doing too well together.

Victor: Thank you, uh... He's trying to figure out his name

Matt: Matt Holt.

Victor: Alright, Matt. Come over anytime if Lance isn't doing so well.

Matt: I will. He heads back to his car, and drives away. The family continued to console Lance

Holt's House- Matt's room. Pidge and Matt are video chatting with Allura, Romelle, Hunk, and Shay on his computer

Matt: He tried to fucking drown himself! Keith has gone too far! Now Lance wants to kill himself!

Hunk: Well what can we do?! You and Pidge are still fixing the phone! Lance won't go anywhere near us! Keith is probably beating the crap out of him! Shiro has no idea what's going on! And Lance is dating a murderer!

Shay: The police certainly won't take us seriously when all we have is a strand of hair and a stabbed phone.

Allura: And Lance won't call the police! I don't blame him, either. What if one of these days, Keith just goes crazy and ends up killing him? We know he's capable of it!

Pidge: What ever happened to the days whenever someone does that kind of crap, and a bunch of people just get together, and kick their fucking ass?

Hunk: Look, I'm down for kicking Keith's ass, but we gotta do this right. We need people to know what he's doing to Lance, and that he's a danger to everyone.

Romelle: He's right. Abuse is a pretty big charge, so we need all the proof we can get. We could record more of their conversations, and get pictures of Lance's bruises, but I'm sure he won't consent if it involves Keith.

Matt: We could tell his family. Then we'll have one of his siblings take pictures.

Hunk: ... I... I didn't even think of them. How would they even react to this?!

Matt: I don't think they even realize.

Shay: ... We'll tell them. We'll tell them everything.

Pidge: There's no way they'll believe us. They all love Keith!

Hunk: No, his parents love him. Marco, Veronica, Luis, and Rachel? Not so much. They've always had a bad feeling about Keith ever since he broke Jason McKowski's wrist.

Pidge: Okay, so should we just tell them?

Allura: Yeah... We'll tell them on Saturday. Everyone agree?

Everyone nods

(A/N: To my readers, I have received an inappropriate message from @marrelen53. I ask that you report them. Thank you)

 Thank you)

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