03 | Hide and Seek

Start from the beginning

He smiled and opened his arms. Though hesitant to leave her friend's side, she didn't want to anger Loki either. She complied and stepped into his hold. "Thank you, love." He said with a kiss to the top of her head.

Still trembling, she wrapped her arms around his torso, returning the hug. She was just relieved he was no longer angry. Now that he was letting Ally go, she could tell the police or maybe even the Avengers what was happening.

He kept her gathered in his arms and ducked his head down to whisper in her ear, "I think it's best if you're not here when she goes."

Summer peeked up at him. "Why?"

"I know it will be hard for you to see her go."

She shook her head. She needed to know Ally made it out okay. "I'd like to see her go."

He nodded once. "If that's what you wish." He straightened and cleared his throat. He gestured for Ally to turn around so they could walk out with Summer following.

Then he slit Ally's throat.

Summer screamed and fell with Ally's body to the floor. "No, wake up! Ally!" She screamed and grabbed her by the shoulders. She frantically applied pressure to the blood spewing out of her neck, but it was too late. "Ally, please!" She begged, denying reality.

With shaky hands, she brushed her dear friend's hair out of her face. Bile rose in her throat when she got blood mixed in with her hair.

She threw herself against Ally's chest, loud, heaving sobs filling the air. A large presence stood next to her and she shielded Ally's lifeless body away from him. "You said you'd let her go!" Summer screamed.

"No, I said I'd set her free." Loki replied, cooly, turning to look out the window. "What's more free than this?.... now you have nothing to fight for. No reason to leave me."

Satisfied no one would ever take his beloved away from him, he turned back to face her.... but she wasn't there. Fear filled his thoughts, frightened if someone would dare take her away from him. He ran out of the house and spotted her in the distance, running towards the trees to hide.

Summer's breath came in small spurts, hot and nervous. At her sides, her fingers curled into sweaty fists, swinging forward as if it would make her faster. Behind her, she could hear the baying howls and growls of something chasing after her.

Her lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as she sprinted forward, panic trembling in her exhausted limbs. Even though her brain told her not to turn around, she couldn't help but to look to see what was chasing her.

It was.... aliens!? Massive ones at that. And three dogs- no. One massive, three headed dog, snapping at her feet, it's claws ripped away at the ground below it.

It managed to nip at her shoe, sending her skidding across the forest floor, twigs and thorns dig into her skin as she fell. She cried out in pain and scrambled to get back up.

Hot breath fanned the back of her neck making her freeze. It could snap her head off with one bite if it wanted to. Before it could do anything, she heard him.

"Oh, sweetheart," Loki tsked as he stepped out from behind the beast and prowled towards her.

She quickly got to her feet. Every step he took forward, she took several back. He was playing a game. It was always a game. He loved the chase.

Before he could touch her, she screamed as loud as she could, begging anyone for help. "You're crazy! Get away from me! Don't touch me!"

"Hush, darling. You've fought so bravely, but that's enough now." He said in a soft tone, but she could tell it was a warning as well. "We have to go home."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" She screamed. She knew it was pointless, but she tried to run again. She couldn't even turn around in time before he grabbed her. She raised her arm to slap him, but he was quick and caught her by the wrist.

His eyes darkened, he shoved her back against a tree, and pinned her arms above her head. He leaned down to her ear and in a low, husky voice, he whispered, "you wanna try that again, sweetheart?"

She trembled in his arms, too frightened to move away, not sure if he planned the same fate as her friend for her. "You killed her.. she was an innocent person and-"

"Shhh, it's alright. I have you now." He whispered, lowly, and turned her around in his arms to hold her close.

"What do you want from me?" She choked out with a sob.

"I want you, my love." He answered with a grin, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. She nearly panicked when he brought his arm up- only to flinch when his rough hand gently caressed her cheek. "I want to take you back home, make you my queen, and treat you and make you feel as such. The safest place for you to be is with me." He mumbled as he used the pad of his thumb to brush away her tears.

Her tears confused and hurt him. Is this not what was best? Is this not what she wanted? To become his queen? To be the safest woman in the world? She looked... scared. Was she scared of him?

"Darling, you don't need to look so scared with me, I promise you that. Okay, how about one more time, hmm? Look- try and attack me and I promise I can stop you. You're safe with me. You couldn't hurt me if you tried." He said softly, almost trying to sound soothing.

"You're crazy." She breathed and took a step back, breaking his heart. She started to hyperventilate and her body slowly sank to the ground.

He squatted down in front of her and tilted her chin up to look at her. He watched as fearful tears gathered in her stunning eyes, her breaths coming out sporadically and quickly. He made a cooing sound and sat down next to her, just to pull her into his lap and loop his arms securely -obsessively- around her. She was too scared to move, she just sat there and let him believe he was comforting her.

"Just match your breathing to mine." He continued, concerned. "We both know you're going to be punished regardless, so there's really no point in having a panic attack about it now. Come on, deep breaths. No need to cry now. That's good. You can do it." He continued to soothe and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

When she exhausted herself from crying too much, she closed her eyes she allowed herself to slump into his side, defeated.

He kissed the side of her head, secured her in his arms, and lifted her off the ground. "Let's go home." He whispered and carried her all the way back. As he carried her inside the threshold, he ordered to an alien, "I want guards all guards at each exit, that includes windows. No one comes in or out unless I say so."

He skillfully opened the bedroom door with her still in his arms, and once inside, locked it behind him. He gracefully crossed the large room and gently placed her on the bed.

Dread filled her stomach, fearful of what he had planned for her, and what this "punishment" would be.


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