Saving the Town // Storybrooke

Start from the beginning

"Maybe they knew each other? He has to know some secret of hers."

"It's a lot to prove," Kyla stated. 

"And I won't stop until I do." 

Later that day, Kyla went to the room that Neal had booked from Granny's and knocked on the door. She and Emma knew Tamara wouldn't be there, so it was the perfect opportunity. Kyla would get Neal out of the room and Emma and Henry would search it, looking for anything that could help prove Tamara was guilty. Kyla, feeling that Emma truly believed it, was willing to do whatever she could to help her and to stay away from Snow and David. 

"Rapunzel," Neal said with a smile. He was surprised to see her at his door. 

"Hey," she returned the smile, "I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee or something? Catch up?" 

Neal turned around, scanning the room, then back at her. "Coffee sounds great, actually."

"Tamara's not here?" She asked, knowing she wasn't. 

"Nah, she's out for a run. She's training for a marathon," he explained. 

"Nice," she said, "well, let's go. You'll never get enough of Granny's," she teased with a roll of her eyes. He chuckled and shut the door behind them. 

He told her everything: his life after Neverland, where he grew up, the people he met and how he met Emma and how he found New York. Which led him to Tamara. 

"I ran into her on the sidewalk, spilled her coffee all over her, gave her my scarf and then she called me. It's really romantic," he teased. 

"And she's the one," Kyla said with a smile. 

"Yeah. You know, after Emma, I didn't think I'd move on with someone else. But something about Tamara, it's just so mesmerizing. She makes me a better person, you know?"

She nodded. "It's's amazing to see you all grown up. I mean, not only are you getting married, but you have a kid."

"Yeah, I'm still a little shocked by that, if I'm being honest. Henry's a great kid and I'm excited to really get to know him and really be his dad, but it's still a little scary." 

"Yeah, family can be intimidating." 

"Right, Emma told me that Snow White is your sister. Which means you're Emma's aunt," he said, trying to wrap his head around it. "and you're still as young as I remember you."

She laughed. "Yeah, well Neverland, being trapped in a tower and being stuck in a curse really does wonders for the skin." 

They both chuckled and fell into an awkward silence. Kyla took a deep breath and decided to get back to Tamara. "So, how is Tamara liking Storybrooke?" 

"Well, if I'm being honest, I told her about us," he started. "She was skeptical at first, and I mean, who wouldn't be? But she's really trying to understand where I'm from. I even gave her a list of everyone and who their fairytale counterparts are. She's willing and that's all I can ask from her." 

"You gave her a list? So she knows I'm Rapunzel..."

"And my dad is Rumplestiltskin and Regina is the Evil Queen and Mary Margaret is Snow White. It's a lot to take in," he said. 

"Tell me about it," Kyla said under her breath. 

"Speaking of," he pulled out his phone, checking the time. "Tamara is going to be back soon, so I should probably head out, but hey," he leaned in and kissed her cheek, "thank you for this. It was nice to just talk. No surprises. Let's do this again," and with that, he walked out. 

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