"Of course," I reply. "Did you have something to eat already?"

Ev shakes her head. "The girls and I are on kitchen duty, remember? I'm waiting for the girls to come downstairs. Peyton and Kelsea are getting dressed, they texted me that they were up just before you got here."

"Ah yes, I do remember," I say. Putting the girls on kitchen duty was Dant's idea, but to be honest, I think going out for breakfast would be much better. I have to admit that I have enough trust in the girl's cooking skills.

Before Ev and I could continue with our conversation, we got interrupted by Peyton's voice. "Hey love birds, I hate to spoil the fun but we have to get started with kitchen duty. Also, Connery, Emma's on the phone."

"Go ahead and talk with Emma, we'll get started on breakfast." I nod and Ev pecks me on the lips before she gets up. Peyton hands me my phone and then she walks off with Ev.

I put the phone to my ear and I greet Emma. "Hey sis, what's up?"

"Hey, nothing, I'm just here at the office," Emma replies. "Did I call a little too early? I still haven't gotten used to the different time zones."

"You did, but I was already awake. It's all good, don't worry." I reassure her. "What time is it over there?"

"It's around two in the afternoon as of now," Emma replies. "Peyton told me you were in a lake house for the weekend, that's nice. I'm glad you're allowing yourself to have fun and not be training every single day."

"Yeah we are, the case has been getting to Ev so we decided to get her out of Bowling so she could take her mind off of it even if was just for the weekend." I pause. "And you're one to talk sis, you're buried in work every single day."

"I can only imagine, it must be rough, I read about what happened to one of the girls. It's devastating." Emma says. "I won't deny it, I do bury myself in work on most days. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to call you. Aside from the fact that I did want to know how you were doing."

"It is, ever since Macy was admitted to the hospital, Ev hadn't stepped away from the chair beside her," I tell Emma. "And I had a feeling there were ulterior motives behind your early morning call."

"There aren't any ulterior motives behind my early morning call, I just wanted to know and tell you that I'm taking a few weeks off and I'm flying to Bowling tomorrow morning," Emma says. I have to say that I was expecting anything but that.

Ever since my dad visited me at the house, I did ask her about it but she refused to talk about the subject until we could talk about it in person. This leads me to believe that we would be touching the subject when she got here and to be honest, it was something I didn't want to talk about anymore. "Oh really? I thought you weren't coming back until Christmas."

"Those were the plans, but mom needs us both to be there for her during the trial. You know how hard it has been for her these past few weeks." Emma says.

She's right. The grand jury was enough proof that needed support. Knowing that what you have been living for the past years was a lie is motive enough to destroy someone. Just like it was for Emma and me, she felt like she was losing dad all over again. "I know, it's good to know that you'll be here sis."

"It is, I've missed you guys ever since I've been over here working. I'm excited to see you guys again." Emma says. "I also wanted to take you out for lunch or dinner. I know you're a little busy, but I'm sure you can make time for me on your schedule."

"I'm free on Monday before practice and I know the perfect place. Ev took me to this Columbian food truck, it's called Alejandro's. You're going to love it." I tell Emma.

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