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I have never seen so much houses all together before.

They were in all sizes and colors. Some darker than the others, some adorned with bright colors. Most houses had gabled roofs with steep angles, at least one turret in each, and porches. I had read in a book that these asymmetrical dollhouse-like houses were called Victorian houses after Queen Victoria.

Some trees were different as well. They were not just pine trees or any tall and looming dark-colored tree. They were rather the opposite, short trees with light colored leaves and barks. They looked rather soft and weak compared to the trees in the forest, but they were beautiful, too, in their own way.

Only a few people were outside and I did not get a closer look as Carter drove past them. Shortly, Carter parked in front of a building with the word 'Supermart' in a huge, glowing sign. The bright blue sign seemed to glower at me as a few people who came from the building looked at my car. They cannot see through, yet I felt as if their eyes could pierce through me. I held my father's letter closer to myself.

"Are you ready?" Carter looked at me after he finally finished fixing himself and throwing his bag in the back seat. "Hey, don't worry about it." He comforted me after noticing my nervous look. I looked at him. I did not want to cause him any more trouble. "I swear we would be quick and besides, this is our first date."

He laughed loudly and I could not contain mine as well. Carter really knew how to make people comfortable around him. He's hilarious and probably has so much friends. Although he's stuck with me, I do not feel like he complains about it. I could tell that he was a really good friend.

"Come on then, let's start our date." I joked lightly and Carter beamed. He and I got out of my car and started to walk towards the entrance of the Supermart. I could feel the eyes of the few people who were there. 

Carter started greeting almost everyone he could see as we walked past them. They all smiled and greeted him back happily. They looked at me as well, looking nervous to do the same to me. I did not mind for I was nervous myself, maybe even more than they were. 


My head whipped back at the sound, curious to where it came from. It did not sound like a human at all. Is it a bird? I had heard birds before as background to music, but it was just recently when I had heard them for real. 

A man in a black shirt and blue pants was walking towards us, or more like the direction of the supermarket. He held a dark blue rope tied to a strange creature. It was furry and small, its tail swishing around. It was looking at me with brown eyes, ears looking alert and its tongue out. Suddenly, I recognized the creature. It was a dog.

In one of my books father had brought me, there was a creature called a dog. It was said to be bred to be very loyal companions to humans. Back then, they helped in hunting as well. The dog in the picture looked entirely different with its short fur and tall stature, but there were common features. Like the nose, the teeth, the tongue hanging out, the hind legs and the tail. 

"Is that a dog?" I asked Carter, with my eyes glued to it. It looked at me, too. It was barking loudly but I did not mind. The dog seemed eager to be friends with anyone. Carter greeted the man holding the dog's leash. 

"Yeah, her name's Lola." At that, Lola the dog, barked happily at Carter. Carter went near her and started petting her. Lola seemed to enjoy it. I wondered what it was like to touch its smooth-looking hair. Carter gestured me to come near and I did. "Touch her slowly, so she won't be startled." 

I slowly reached out to her and Lola suddenly rubbed her soft brown fur on my palm, giving a soft bark. I felt myself smiling as I pet the fur behind her ear. "Or not, I almost forgot Lola is the friendliest dog." Carter laughed with the dog's owner. I looked at him, terribly ashamed of my manners. I paid attention to his dog, but did not bother to introduce myself to the owner. 

Ethereal Mortal {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now