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All morning, I reflected on my behavior with Sam. I even thought about how I shouldn't think such things. I compared the man to an inanimate object, thinking such good things about him even when I had only met him. Moreover, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Whenever his face pops into my mind, my face heats up in the middle of the class. I don't even try to listen to the class. Not that it matters, I already knew most of the topics they are talking about. I just hope a teacher doesn't notice my mind is absolutely absent and call me to answer a question. 

"Alina!" Carter whispered loudly to get my attention. I faced him immediately, a bit startled. I sent him an apologetic smile. I didn't even notice he was talking to me.

"What is it?" I whispered back, careful not to let anyone else hear out conversation. Carter started to write notes in his notebook so I decided to do the same.

"I asked if you're alright." Carter whispered and glanced at me momentarily. "You've been spacing out a lot. Is something wrong?" His eyebrows knitted together in worry as he copied notes. I smiled at his kindness. He really is a great friend.

"It's nothing. Thank you for asking, Carter." I whispered, glancing at the teacher and the clock. Just in time for the lunch break. Carter stood, automatically waiting for me. "Is he going to be there again?" I asked, hoping that Carter would get who I was asking about. He sent me a confused look, his left eyebrow rose up. After a moment, his eyes lit up and his face showed amusement.

"You mean Sam? Yes, silly." He laughed, flinging his bag on his back.

"What's so silly about that?" I asked him, knitting my eyebrows together. I grabbed my bag and followed him towards the door. Our classmates were still sitting down, just as they were yesterday. Strange.

"Because." Carter sang, facing me with an amused look. He was now walking backwards to do this. It made me curious on how one would be confident on doing that. "The guy goes in this school, Alina. It would be weird if you haven't seen him at all. Especially him." He winked at me just before he returned to walking normally. What did he even mean?

"That does not mean I would encounter him everyday. There are a lot of people here, right?" I argued, hoping that I won't see the guy we were talking about. I'm still really nervous and embarrassed around him. More so because of what happened earlier this day.

"Believe me, you two have more of a connection than you think." Carter flipped his hand to the side playfully, near my face. Just as I was about to speak, he spoke again. "Considering this, I bet he'll be there at the table."

"Do we have to sit there?" I asked, wanting to avoid the man.

"Oh, absolutely! I don't want to anger him." He laughed and I cocked my head to side, wondering about his words. I wanted to ask, but I wouldn't bother since he would probably beat around the bush as he usually does.

The powerful aroma of beef filled my nose as a warmer aura wrapped around my body. The white doors silently closed behind us. "Why do you want to avoid him that much anyway?" Carter glanced at me. "Oh, look! He's already there." He said enthusiastically and I couldn't help but follow his gaze towards the table we usually sat on. Sam sat beside the chair I usually sit on, he and Amon had their food in front of them but were not eating. Who are they waiting for?

His green eyes suddenly found mine and I suddenly felt nervous. I was too frozen to look away although I wanted to. Amon tapped Sam's shoulder and whispered something to him. I noticed a slight pulse of his aura. In a moment, he looked away and finally let me breath. I didn't even know that I was holding it.

Ethereal Mortal {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now