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I arrived earlier than I did yesterday, but I chose to stay inside my car to pass time. I should get in five minutes before classes will start so I only have to bear uncomfortable silence for a little while. Ten minutes to go.

The week has been really life-changing for me. I still haven't heard from my father and I doubt he would return soon. Otherwise, why would he leave me in the hands of Ramona, right? Ramona seems like a really nice woman and I can't help but trust her. She had not done anything suspicious and she has helped me despite her seemingly busy schedule. I need to pay her back soon, but I don't know how. I don't even really know the person. Maybe I should ask Carter.

The guy also seems really kind. Maybe he did care for me even when he only knew me for two days. He's really cheerful and fun to be around as well. Sometimes, he lies to me but it seems like nothing that I should be wary of.

My head felt light as I thought of the next person. Why do I feel like this when I think of him? I haven't even properly talked to him and yet his presence stuck to my mind. Those protruding green eyes of his. Even his name seemed too beautiful that I felt nervous on speaking it out loud. Maybe I am just really curious on why Samuel Amaris would pin me on the wall despite not knowing me. I think I should watch out for him, but there is no bad feeling about the strange guy. It just makes me wonder on what kind of person he is to have such an immensely powerful aura that intimidates every single being. I don't think having such an aura would mean that the person is bad. Even my father has an aura near the size of his, just slightly bigger. It is my first time to see an aura close to what my father has and I can tell both auras were still suppressed.

I opened my eyes after noticing that I had nearly fallen asleep by thinking about things a bit too much. I sighed and grabbed my bag. Better to go now anyway. Just as I opened the car door, the last person I was thinking about came into view.

He stopped just as I opened the door and I hesitated to continue. He stared directly at me, almost like he could see through the tinted glass clearly. For some reason, my heart started beating erratically. Was I nervous? I began to feel sweat on my forehead. Was it getting hotter?

Beside him, a man as tall as him stood. His presence wasn't as big as Samuel's but he had a strange aura around him. It was only a bit, but it felt coated. Why is it so blurry?

The guy stared at me as well, with a small smile on his handsome face. His hair was darker than what Samuel had. He tapped Samuel on the shoulder, laughing at something. Samuel shook his head, smiling. Why is my heart beating even faster?

The pair soon walked off, leaving me staring the spot where they stood. What am I even doing? It's not good to avoid someone, right? Although I didn't really intend to do so, it seemed like it. I slowly got out of my car and almost fell back on my bottom.

Just as I closed the door, a familiar white car drove fast into the open parking space. I could even smell the burnt rubber tires from having too much friction on the ground. My forehead wrinkled. She almost killed me. Or may at least injure me. I stood straight as she got out of her car. She smugly glanced at me and flipped her hair as she started to walk towards the school building.

"Hey, watch where you're driving. You could have hurt me." I called out and she stopped just in front of me. She twirled her hair on her finger and glared at me. I looked at her directly, clutching the strap of my bag with my sweat clad hand.

"I didn't see you there." She snickered, obviously not apologetic about what she did. Regardless of whether she intended to harm me or not, she should apologize. Didn't her parents or even the teachers teach her that?

"I didn't think you were such a bad driver." I said, earning an angry growl from her. What is with the growling? Do people normally do that? Just before she could do anything else, I went past her to enter the building. It would be bad of she had her way with me. I've only healed up from her slap.

Why do I have to put up with this so early in the morning?

"That was great." An unfamiliar voice spoke just by the doors of the school. I looked at my right side to see the source of the voice. There stood Samuel with the guy he was with. My eyes bulged out of my sockets as it landed on his, but he wasn't the one who spoke. I immediately composed myself and turned to look at the other guy.

"How so?" I asked, I really did not know what was great about it. Did he mean it was great that I almost got run over by Elaine? Isn't that a mean thing to say?

"What you said to Elaine." He smiled, clearing my thoughts. Though it was still confusing on how it was great. As far as I know, I've only insulted the girl because of what happened and how she hadn't even apologized for it.

"Insults are not great." I said, pursing my lips together. I saw the corner of Samuel's mouth twitch as if he was about to smile. He stopped it, although I wish he didn't. He looked more handsome when he smiled, if it was even possible. He already looked perfect. The guy beside him, however, fully laughed.

"Man, you are gold!" He exclaimed happily. Did he mean me? What does gold even mean when it's describing someone? My eyebrows knitted together as he laughed off. Samuel discreetly elbowed the guy's side, stopping his laughing. The guy started to calm himself down, breathing heavily but still looking amused. "I'm Amon, by the way." He reached his hand out to introduce himself.

"Alina Imenand." I shook his hand lightly. As I did, I felt Samuel's aura pulse. I looked at him, wondering what that was.

"Sam. Samuel Amaris." He introduced himself, probably mistaking my curiosity of his aura as curiosity for his name. I already knew his name but haven't been introduced to him properly. I guess Sam is what he wants me to call him. His deep green eyes stared at mine as he waited for me to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled, taking his hand. Just as I did, I felt something wet drip on my cheek.

I let go of his soft hand shortly after and touched my cheek. What is happening?

"Are you alright?" Sam worriedly asked, his hand hovering over my shoulder as if he was trying to stop himself from touching me. I could see his eyes and aura tinge with worry. He seemed panicked too and I felt weird. I feel like a burden to strangers.

"What did you do, man?" Amon whispered to Sam, making him glance at him with a glare. Sam went back to focus on me. He fished out a handkerchief from the pocket of his black puffy jacket. He handed me the handkerchief and I didn't know if I should take it.

Another tear slid down my cheek and my cheeks felt hot. Why am I crying? I felt incredible sadness surge throughout my body, as if I was torn apart. What is happening? I wasn't even thinking of crying. The only thing that could make me sad was the absence of my father and it was unthinkable for me to cry in front of people I just met.

Just as I was going to wipe my face with my hand, Sam carefully patted my cheek with the handkerchief. Doing so meant he was a lot closer to me now. His hand was still hovering over my shoulder, refusing to touch me. The hand he was using to wipe my face was shaking a bit. I felt his cool breath on my forehead, sending goosebumps throughout my skin. My heart seemed to skip a beat. I wasn't used to anyone getting close to me like this, especially a man. The only time I had gotten close to a man was when I hugged my father when I was seven.

Soon enough, he slowly dropped his hand but kept the distance. I found myself staring into those hypnotizing eyes of his. I no longer felt like crying, but I felt nervous. Why do I feel this way when I see his eyes? Like the moon, it was calling out to me. I feared how it made me feel.

His stunning eyes were just as comforting and warm as the moonlight.

Ethereal Mortal {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now