He told me.


"Horror? Really?

"Why? Are you scared easily?" I said smirking in his direction.

"No, I just didn't take you as a person who actually watched movies. I thought you would watch boring documentaries about buildings and stocks."

He reciprocated back with a smirk.

"How rude. I watch a lot of movies."

"Ya? What your favorite movie then?"

I thought for a long time, and came to the conclusion that the last time I actually watched a movie was maybe a year ago. But I won't let him get the best of me.

"Frozen." I quickly blurted out.

Looking over at him, he was laughing, hard.

I could tell he was trying to hide it but failed, because one hand was over his mouth and the other was in the air signaling me to hold up for him to catch a breath.

Whats so funny? I don't really remember what the movie was about, the only detail I really remember was that it was not human actors.

That's probably why he's laughing.

"Thats childs play. How can you say horror when your last movie was Frozen. Or was it scary when Elsa got turned into an ice sculpture."

He said bursting out in laughter once more.

I decided to ignore him and walk to the movie lists that are currently avaliabe.

"Mew- Mew don't go." He said breathlessly still trying to contain his laughter.

"What." I said unamused at how he always end up laughing at me.

"Here let me pick a movie."

"Because if you pick we might end up watching kim possible or something like that."

I rolled my eyes and walked away at the gulf who was now crouching on the floor, holding his stomach laughing.

"Glad I could amuse you."

"Wait- wait up."

I let him buy the movie ticket and just walked ahead of him into the theaters.

*2 hours later*

"That was a terrible movie."

"What?? I personally liked it."

"Liked it? Are you insane?"

"You were the one who said your favorite genre was horror, but can't handle a simple scare."

"Well I mean, I didn't expect to see like what? A 10 year old getting decapitated. Like it was so explicit."

"I warned you to look away. You told me you could handle it and now you're complaining."

"But I mean, I- I didn't think they would explicitly show it."

"The movie literally has a warning at the beginning."

I've come to realize that in the past two days mew and I have become really free with each other. Like we made our first few weeks with each other impossible, but with our different personalities we somehow managed to fit perfectly.

Apart from Krista, mew is my only other friend. At least I think we're friends.

"Hey mew?" I called him, my voice now more subtle than it usually is.


"Thank you."


"For hanging out with me."

"Mm hmm." He just hummed in return.

My daily routine, is always the same, but the past few days with mew actually made me realize how much I've been missing.

I, gulf, who doesn't even like theaters didn't want to leave the cinema as I felt like the hours went by too quickly.


I called out making him stop in his tracks once more.

"I know I'm all about professionalism but after work, when you can let's hang out together."

Im glad that I've always been so straight forward, because my heart was accelerating when openly inviting him into my life.

"Sure, employee."

"Enployee? You wanna be like that now huh?"

"I am your boss, I can call you whatever I want."

We walked towards the exit and headed for my car.

I feel like this story is progressing a bit too fast.
Tell me if I should slow down or not. I'm just eagerly waiting to get to the romance part hehe but I can slow down if you want. 😊

Anyways yesterday (which is still today for me, because I've been pulling an all-nighter so far) was really hectic, busy, tiring and frustrating that I didn't have time to write.

But thanks for tuning in and GOODNIGHT or morning? 😭 I need sleep.

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