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..Continues from previous entry



The Unregretted Choice

by 我想去旅游

Original: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5873703006?pn=1




Rin found herself still curled comfortably in his arms when she awoke. His ever-beautiful visage was directly in her line of sight, which she could not stop from admiring.

Images of last night flashed in her mind causing her face to drown in redness. If only there was a way to escape his strong hold!

At such an adorable sight, Sesshomaru could not help but softly smile. "You must be hungry."

Rin laid a hand on her stomach shyly, nodding.

"Jaken!" He turned his head towards the trees and called.

"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama!"

A small green youkai toddled to a stop at the soles of his master's feet. He had just arrived in the morning and so was not quite sure what had occurred between these two. All Jaken was certain was that the aura around his master was fortified to such severe degree that he could not approach even if he wanted to. He wisely hid far, far away.

"Go find some food." Hearing the order in his master's tone, Jaken hurried to fulfil.


As Rin was eating, she could not muster the courage to look Sesshomaru in the eye. She chattered with Jaken about this and that while he sat at a distance.

When it was time for Rin to return, Jaken disappeared.

The daiyoukai approached. He scooped the young woman and pressed her into his chest with a strong arm. As if imbued by some strange magic, his voice lulled her into a trance. He whispered his promise next to her ear, "Rin, in three moons I will come pick you up. Wait for me until then!"

Rin returned the hug with more fervour, clutching at his waist. She wished to tell him: she already understood when she grew up. Loving someone does not mean holding on to the person nor about binding him. Loving someone meant letting them do whatever they desired to do. The point is she was a just a human. A creature with an incredible short lifespan that would not be able to stay by his side for life. She did not want him to endure the pain of parting, even less to live through a lifetime of loneliness......

However, he had flown away quite eagerly, leaving her without a chance to put a voice to all these. It seemed like he was running away.

The girl searched the skies but there was no trace of his figure.

Rin withdrew from her memories of those days.

Originally, she had wanted to spend more time with him. But she did not anticipate having his child.

'Sesshomaru-sama, I can't be with you anymore.' These words circled silently in her mind.

That morning, Rin had managed to get Jaken to spill out some of Sesshomaru-sama's present conundrums. Apparently, there have been disagreements with his honourable mother, as well as complaints of dissatisfaction with his other subordinates. These had all become proof that 'they' have no future.

A gust of chilly wind swept by. Rin picked herself up and went back into the hut. There's a child with her now; it's better not to have any discomfort.

She had yet come up with a way to tell him of her decision that is less hurtful.

In a blink of an eye, one full moon cycle has passed.


Rin had not prepared to see him. She hid in the hut, accompanied by Kagome.

When he arrived, Sesshomaru stared thunderously at all the people who were in his way. He withdrew Bakusaiga.

Inuyasha pulled out Tessaiga in the same moment. "Sesshomaru! Rin does not wish to see you. Go, and never come back!"

Only Heaven knew how nervous Inuyasha truly was!

The demon slayer, Sango, guarded the hut's entrance. "Sesshomaru. This really is Rin's decision. She doesn't want to see you. It's better that you leave!"

Miroku, on the other hand, tried to be placating. "Maa maa~ If there's something to say, why don't we speak properly...?"

Because if they all started fighting, it would only take one strike from Bakusaiga to render the entire village into dust.

Sesshomaru's grip tightened on Bakusaiga. 'Why? Why now so suddenly? Did she regret what happened that night?' No matter what though, he wanted to ask her directly.

Listening to the rising tension outside, Rin was a little worried. She saw how Kagome was intently staring out the window. Kagome must be extremely worried for Inuyasha-nii.

It was inevitable, their meeting. Rin exhaled and finally walked out with Kagome.

Sesshomaru instantly knew she had emerged. He flicked Inuyasha aside and landed in front of the young woman, who did not dare to meet his eyes.

"Why?" He stared at her.

"I......" Rin swallowed, unsure of what to say exactly.

"She's getting married. It's not appropriate for her to always see you." In a moment of uncertainty, Kagome made up such an excuse.

Everyone turned to Kagome, wide-eyed, before looking back at the imposing daiyoukai timidly. Couldn't there be a better excuse?

When he heard the words 'getting married', his whole body exuded a frigid aura.

"Is that right. Who is it?"

Rin looked unfocusedly at him.

"Kohaku-kun. It's Kohaku-kun." Once again, Kagome's words stunned the audience. Sango became extremely paranoid for her little brother.

The one who was at that precise moment on a youkai extermination quest, a young man named Kohaku, sneezed. "Eh? What was that?"

For a long while, Sesshomaru stared at Rin wordlessly. Then he took a step forward, pulled her into his arms and flew from the village.

It was such a fast movement that in the time it took everyone to notice, they were already gone.


Continues in next entry...

A/N: Not sure why the formatting is not working. It has happened a lot of times :(

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