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Yen Krol clambered up the last few steps, his broken saber digging into the grey rock. He was shivering uncontrollably as he crawled through layers of dust and finally reached the foot of the throne. A feminine figure lay sprawled on the jagged mess that was the seat of the Empire.

Yen was not quite sure how much time had passed since he had been flung away by the evil entity Zentar and after which his companion, that female figure, Ery, must have managed to vanquish their foe.

He pulled on her hand but got no reaction. There was no pulse and the flesh was quickly turning cold. Carefully angling her body, he dragged her down onto his lap and cradled the limp body.

This could not be it!

She had been the only person in his life to believe and trust him. She had been the only one to come to accept Zentar's challenge, had promised that she would save him and that he would be able to live the rest of his life in happiness. But Yen had always imagined that it would be "Yen and Ery" living happily ever after. He never once predicted she could be...she could be...

He rested a hand over her heart and leant forward, to place his lips upon hers. He begged the gods this would work. It was all he had left. All which he could give.

To her.

The body in his arms vibrated and her eyes snapped open. Yen smiled as his name escaped her lips in a rush of astounded joy. Never before had she called him so happily and it made him happy.

He was happy to be able to have this moment.

"Yen!" She called out once more and her panicked expression was the last thing he saw as everything turned dark.

"I will always be with you." He whispered in his heart, knowing the message would get through to her.

After his passing, Ery left the palace and returned to her friends, but she did not stay long. She travelled to remote jungles and arid deserts, freezing mountains and warm plateaus, every place in the world available to man. She hoped Yen was able to see them too, through her eyes and heart.





(in order of appearance)

Ery ...................... BF13 - G8 00023H

Queen Alei .......... BF13 - G7 00060H

Fina Emmeron ... BF13 - G6 00026S

Bo Emmeron ...... BM13 - G6 00033H

Becca Chaw......... BM13 – G4 00285A

Zentar ................. BM13 - G3 1456U

Yen Krol .............. BM13 - G9 00034H

Proxy King .......... BM13 - G7 00824U

Atramige Hucks ... BM13 – G7 00033H




"Come on, let's go already!"

"But I wanna look at all the casts. Maybe there's even a final scene, y'know?"

"This is Dark Thrones, there's no final scenes. And this is their last movie anyway. As for casts, just check the net at home. Come on already!"

"Alright alright!"

"Besides, I know you just want to see who plays Yen Krol, am I right sis? Hehehe."

"Who doesn't, come on? Generation 9 acting is so cool. And he's definitely one fine-looking model."

"Just fine-looking? I'm pretty sure you were drooling when he was shirtless – Hey!"

"I think that was the other girls you saw around you. Been looking at them instead of the movie, huh, bro?"

"He is awesome, I won't deny. Those effortless sword moves are way mad. Wonder what programs they used. It'll be awhile before we get Gen 9 on our synth models. It's such a waste of talent to kill his character off and end the movie there though. His acting skills are on point, but the script is shit if you ask me. Who was the director again?"

"I'm looking at the net now and you can blame Isne Co., not the director please. The director tried his best. It's Isne's management that led this final movie to be so anticlimactic and worthless. I'm pretty sure it's only because of Yen that all the fans are back."

"The Yenry swarm, you mean."

"Now that there's a kiss between Yen and Ery, Yenry should be canon enough! Can't wait to read some juicy fanfics and spite everyone who ever dissed on them."

"Oh my god! Aren't we all relieved that movies don't cast real humans? Imagine the horror of being stalked, harassed and doxxed. I can't believe you're part of such a toxic ship."

"Not all Yenrys are like that, bro! But true, I bet one wealthy princess is going to be pulling credit out of her very deep pocket for Yen's synth. I'm kinda jealous, to be able to fulfill all your deepest, darkest fantasies..."

"Stop! Stop! I'm only sixteen, don't defile my ears. But pics will surely go up the net if that happens, sis. You know how crazy most of these fans are! They could demand a love link program between Ery's and Yen's synth for all that is possible, just like they did for Vampire Wish's Belle and Edwin."

"That actually happened. That's how 66 Shades of L0-v3 was born."

"Alright, enough of this shipping horror. I'm starving!"

"It's also- hey, hey, wait for me!"  

JunkyardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora