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There should be no excuses from this person who promised to update every day, right? Well, I was updating something rigorously though. An Inuyasha SessRin fanart.

I'm not an artist familiar with anime drawing and colouring styles so that's why I'm slow. It doesn't help that I chose an elaborate scene to go with. Most of my artworks have elaborate scenes and I rarely get back to them. I get incredibly critical and just give up for other more hopeful-looking ones.

For this one, I initially wanted it to be just black and white. My previous black and white drawings had amazing end results. They were a bit like the Chinese calligraphy-styled paintings and since the scene in this fanart is a Chinese type setting, I thought it would be appropriate.

But... I wanted colour for the characters. Sesshomaru is someone who definitely deserves to have colour on him, especially when he's wearing something totally different from his usual garb to match the scene. And the viewer in this work (Rin) will also have something on her wrist and in her hand that I wanted to clearly show. If they all end up in black and white, the work would not look as magical as when I first imagined it.

So, rather than waste time doing any colouring and shading, I decided to just go with my favourite tool, the "gradient fill". It is the ultimate automatic colouring tool. I mean I see a lot of digital anime artwork where the artist just dumped gradient on everything and photoshop-ed in an image pattern/texture, without consideration for folds and angles. I figured I should try it out for this one. If I can finish this artwork in a week, I'm not gonna regret taking a shortcut.

At this point, I have completed Sesshomaru, Rin and the main features of the background. I'm gonna work on the rest later tonight. Then maybe a little bit of shadow and lighting effects much later, if I feel like it's needed. Don't wanna discuss my plans too much because nothing usually results from my planning. I'm more of an impulsive person.

I'll be sure to post an actual writing tomorrow. It would most likely be another UlquiHime fanfiction. I just thought about an abandoned fic that was pretty good. Will refurnish it and post it. Might post under many days because it's quite long and I haven't gotten far. (As usual WS, as usual)

Oh, if you would like to check out my artworks and other original writings, go check out my DeviantArt. Link is provided at my profile. I also have a link to my FanFiction account, where I have several unfinished fanfics that I don't post on Wattpad.  

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