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Pronunciation– tee-wahz

Meanings – courage, tenacity, masculine energy, ethical responsibilities, victory

Interpretations – The shape of Tiwaz looks like a spear and represents a spiritual warrior. Tiwaz symbolizes the sacrifice of one's personal benefits for the sake of another or a greater purpose for the whole. Tiwaz is letting you know that you have the courage and strength to face this challenge and it's important that you move forward with honor and grace. You are being asked to delve into the very depths of your soul and to take action. Now is the time to remain firm and limit ego.

If reversed – can represent lack of motivation or cowardice. It can also indicate that you've become overwhelmed by the barriers you've encountered. You also may be moving too quickly and obstinately listening to your ego.

Inscriptions – courage, righteousness, tenacity, bravery, and to help increase spiritual beliefs

Pronunciation– bear-kah-nah

Meanings – New beginnings, family and loved ones, nurturing, birth, Birch

Interpretations – Berkana is a positive rune of female energy. Its shape symbolizes the breasts of Mother Earth and can be a favorable sign for those trying to conceive. This runic symbol is very caring, nurturing, and represents the cycle of life. The energies of the Universe are aligned and can help bring forth new manifestations. This rune is about the power to influence growth. Also a symbol of the Birch tree and is typically the first to bud in Spring.

If reversed – can symbolize stagnation or lack of action either with a pregnancy or goal. There may be family disagreements and tempers are running high. Remain open to new ideas or ways of thinking and try your best to be productive without stewing and fretting over problems.

Inscriptions – love, strong family connections, fertility, growth, new beginnings, female energy

Pronunciation– ay-wahz

Meanings – horse, movement, progress, teamwork, partnership, trust, loyalty

Interpretations – the rune of friendship and the close spiritual connection that resides between them, similar to a horse and its rider. The shape symbolizes a horse which was considered a sacred animal. Ehwaz represents synergy, teamwork, harmony, and determination, you can accomplish any goal with ease when coordinating with the right people. It can also represent movement or travel either physically or spiritually.

If reversed – if you've been struggling to determine if you should trust someone this can be confirming your suspicions and distrust. On the other hand, it can also be asking you to evaluate yourself and look at the picture as a whole. Have you been holding back due to prior incidents when someone let you down or hurt your heart? Depending on context it can also be asking you to avoid travel or making you aware your trip may have frustrations or challenges.

Inscriptions – safe journey, harmony in partnership or marriage, can bring about abrupt change

Pronunciation– mahn-awz

Meanings – humanity as a whole, human experience, the self

Interpretations – This rune symbolizes mankind as a whole, combining human intellect, memory, common sense, traditions, values, creative endeavors and cultures. It's a reminder that we all have a shared experience here on earth despite our differences. To be spiritually aligned, you must create harmony with mind, body and spirit. Mannaz encourages us to have total acceptance in all things for who is to say what is good or bad? Know that every adventure or encounter will help you to become more educated about life itself. Seek to live ordinary life in the most PECULIAR way possible!

If reversed – You may be isolating yourself from others because you feel like you don't fit into society and this may be causing depressing or low self esteem. It may also indicate that you have been out of touch with your intuition or higher self. Take the time to you need to practice self-care and to heal. Recharge yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically so you'll be ready to help when you're ready.

Inscriptions – cooperation or goodwill, help rapport and kinship in relationships

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