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Pronunciation – haw-gaw-lawz

Meanings – wrath of nature, destruction , elemental,

Interpretations – indicates energy and force of anarchy that cannot be controlled. This can be through sickness, natural disasters, or obstacles and complications with an intention. You cannot manipulate the situation to your desired outcome and the universe may be trying to direct or push you to a different direction or path. Stay vigilant and open to new opportunities and try to remove your emotions regarding the goal or intention. Exercise self-control and restraint but remain determined. Some things may need to fall apart for better things to come together. The more serious the destruction the more meaningful to your growth.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – fast resolutions or triumph while maneuvering challenging circumstances

Pronunciation – now-these

Meanings – essential, necessity, stagnate

Interpretations – There may be some setbacks or stagnation. Now is the time to be remain thoughtful, reflective and introspective. Keep your ego and temper in check. You may be facing difficulty and adversity that inhibits you from continuing further. The Anglo Saxon rune poem translated says: "Need is oppressive to the heart." Which can often feel like heaviness or tightness on the chest. Do your best to release this tension and have patience. Growth is often uncomfortable and challenging but these moments help to shape who we are.

If reversed – there is a lot of debate in regards to Nauthiz and if it actually has a reversed position or not. Many believe it does not, even though it's not entirely symmetrical. Trust your intuition to determine what is right for you. If reversed it can mean restraint from overindulgence or a detrimental desire for more. Now may be a great time to focus on spiritual growth and avoiding material possessions. Stay focus on the basics and what is vital. Have patience and chill out.

Inscriptions – Improvement, encourages composure and cool headedness, energizes intentions directed at abundance or growth.

Pronunciation – eee-sah

Meanings – Ice and is associated with Winter

Interpretations – as a symbol of frozen water it can mean delay or stagnation through physical obstacles or mental impediments. Remember that the seasons change and Winter will not last forever. Focus on improving your self internally through meditation, reading new books, physical activity or learning a new skill. Don't disregard your goals and dreams, instead focus on how you can prepare yourself to work on them again when the opportunity strikes. Hopefully your self improvement skills will come in handy.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – Preserving current circumstances or avoiding undesirable incidents. The clearness of ice can also symbolize transparency and understanding of an issue that may have been hidden before.

Pronunciation – yair-ah

Meanings – harvest and the rewards of past efforts made, natural cycles (the seasons, life, fertility), movements in time.

Interpretations – typically represents a seasonal year similar to The Wheel of the Year that is always revolving and changing. Prompts us to remember that goals and intentions take time. Planting a seed doesn't mean an instant reward. You must place it in nutritional soil, give it water and protect it from the harsh elements. That seed must be given time to flourish and mature. Then harvested only when ready. Jera is a sign that your hard work and diligence is about to be rewarded. Prosperity and abundance for positive actions and hard work completed. Take time to celebrate and practice gratitude. Jera may also symbolize pregnancy or marriage.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – fertility, bringing desired outcomes and goals into fruition, and promotes a balanced connection with nature and the seasons.

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