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Divination is typically done on a 18" by 18" white cloth specifically for rune casting, but whatever works best for you is fine. Take time to meditate with your runes before casting and focus on your questions or goals. When asking a question it's easier to ask for an outcome, or to see the big picture, versus a yes or no answer. For example you could ask what the outcome of interviewing for a certain job looks like. This allows for the possibility of more information to come through your reading. Do not be concerned about reversed symbols. Some don't acknowledge them at all, and some seen them as a signal to slow down and wait a moment before proceeding. Don't forget to record your sessions in a journal, grimoire, or book of shadows for later insights.

Sometimes the same rune shows up frequently and it's important to pay attention. The universe may be directing you to a specific goal or may be speaking about your life overall. It's also important to pay attention to a rune that may seem totally unconnected to your question. Don't disregard it as the universe could be sending what it feels is a more important message. Overall the rune readings are deeply personal, and it's important that you consider your interpretations to be more accurate than anything you may read in a book or online.

When you're ready to cast your runes, lightly toss them onto your rune cloth. Be sure to look upward so you don't see runes as they land. While your eyes are still raised, choose 3 runes at random. Consider them each individually, and then contemplate any meanings they may have as a whole. Some choose to read them as past, present, and future respectively.
Another interesting form of divination and a great way to connect spiritually with nature is by tossing a small handful of twigs and identify any runic symbols that appear.

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