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Pronunciation – (debated) either ay-wahz or eee-wahz

Meanings – symbolizes the Yew tree, life & death, enlightenment, transitions, renewal

Interpretations – Eihwaz does not mean literal death, but is more of a metaphor indicating transitions, renewals and fresh starts. You may be leaving behind old habits, jobs, relationships or bits of yourself that are no longer benefiting you. Try to adapt and be flexible even if you're disinclined to acquiesce. Proceed but exercise caution. Do your best to do the right thing now to avoid predictable problems. Eihwaz can also symbolize the Yew tree which is considered to be the tree of life since it's an evergreen and can live for thousands of years. Once a Yew tree dies it generates a new tree inside their decomposing trunk. Similar to a phoenix rising from its ashes. This an effective and strong representation showing the cycle of life. Due to this it can sometimes be associated with the Norse tree Yggdrasil and is considered a very magical rune. Representing a spiritual exploration or adventure outside the material world and into the dimensions of the universe or underworld.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – spiritual enlightenment or development, intention or magical enhancements, and conquering challenges

Pronunciation – pear-throw

Meanings – secret, mystery, chance, divination, hidden knowledge meant to be discovered

Interpretations – this rune is a much debated topic among scholars, but it is generally agreed that Perthro symbolizes a vessel or cup used for throwing lots (similar to what we know as a dice cup) and is very apparent when you look at the shape of this rune. Perthro is letting you know that not all information has been revealed to you whether it's spiritually or a maybe a secret a person has kept concealed (these can be positive or negative). This is a good time for you to be aware and open to signs from the universe that may be trying to help guide you. It's also a fantastic moment to try connecting with your higher-self through nature spirituality, grounding, meditation, and spending more time outdoors with the nature. Another way to view the shape of this rune is as a womb and because of this it is frequently related to fertility and birth.

If reversed – can mean to take a break from divination work and to return at a later date. Also may be an indication of an undesirable discovery or announcement. It may also mean that you need to let go of any secrets you've been harboring in order to free yourself from the weight and reduce detrimental effects on your well-being. Depending on the circumstances of the reading it may also symbolize sexual or fertility frustrations and obstacles.

Inscriptions – Divination, fertility, finding spiritual clarity

Pronunciation – al-geez

Meanings – protection or defense of your sanctuary or home, elk or moose antlers, instinct

Interpretations – Algeez shows that you are safe from harm or threats, but that it's important to remain vigilant and clear-headed. This runic symbols is a very powerful force that aids in buffering negative powers from affecting your personal reality in the physical world. Remember that preemptive actions and strategy are the only real protection to safe-guard yourself and those you love. Keep in mind that you never truly lose, because a lesson is always gained.

If reversed – may be a signal that you've been to lax and need to be more vigilant. Do not become stressed or anxious because this can cloud your vision. However, this may be a good time to slow down and practice self-care emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally to maintain clarity.

Inscriptions – Protection and safety of self or property from negative people and energies

Pronunciation– so-wee-loh

Meanings – vitality, sunlight, good energy, health and well-being

Interpretations – Sowilo represents the power and healing light of the Sun (considered to be feminine energy) during the daylight hours when no darkness is present to cloud our judgment. You are covered in the sun's healing golden energy and that good luck and prosperity are sure to follow if you remain open. Use this energy and strength to help assist you to achieve your intentions and goals. This is not the time to be cocky, but to use your intelligence and creativity while knowing that the universe has your back.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – motivation, vitality, positive energy, boosts energy to help dreams, goals and intentions come into fruition

Elder Futhark Rune Symbols, Meanings and Usesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें