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When translating runes it's important to understand that meanings are not literal and tend to be metaphors. For example, drawing an Uruz (pronouciation "ooo-rooze") which means Ox doesn't necessarily refer to the animal, but might symbolize strength or endurance.

When learning runes and their meanings, I'd recommend picking up a new rune each day and keeping it with you, or meditating with it. Focus exclusively on one rune per day and in just over 3 weeks you'll have spent a day with each rune. It's important to pay attention to how you feel with each rune, and let your intuition play a part as well. You may also start to notice rune symbols in your everyday life. This is a good thing! The universe is trying to communicate with you! Don't worry if you need to repeat this process a few times. Be patient with yourself while you're still learning, it should be fun!

Elder Futhark Rune Symbols, Meanings and UsesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin