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It all starts with an unusually large Ash tree called Yggdrasill (prounounced igg-dra-sil) that is located at the center of the Universe and contains the nine worlds of the Norse realms collectively in its branches and roots. Beneath is the Well of Fate (a bottomless pool) and the Norns (female spirits who protects the roots of Yggdrasill by watering it with the divine waters of the Well of Fate). The Norns also manipulate human lives as they twist, spin, and intertwine the threads of fate and destiny. The Norns are said to be three sisters named Urd (pronounced oo-rd), representing "What was"; Verdandi (pronounced Ver-dahn-di), representing "What is coming"); and Skuld (pronounced Skoo -ld), representing "What shall be".

It's important to mention that in Norse traditions fate was not viewed in the same way it is today. Fate is not concrete and although it is woven into a person's destiny, it is completely within their power to change it. Which makes sense when it comes to translating runes, there would be no point if you couldn't change the outcome. Why bother?

So how does one read and interpret magical symbols that only Norns could read? In Norse mythology both gods and humans were unable to read runes. Enter Odin who had a reputation as a very wise and intelligent god who was always seeking further knowledge. However, The Norns wouldn't reveal their secrets and mysteries to just anyone without a great sacrifice. So Odin stabbed himself with his own sword and hung upside down from a branch of the Yggdrasill tree so that he was able to view the Well of Fate beneath him. There he stayed suspended for 9 days rejecting food and water. Finally the secrets and mysteries of the runes appeared to him in the water of the Well of Fate beneath him. There is also another story where Odin wishes to drink from Mimir's "Well of Widsom" (pronounced Mee-mir, counselor to the gods and very wise due to the fact that he drank from the well of "Well of Wisdom" every day). Mimir allowed Odin to drink from the well but only if he gave up his eye which he did and gained much knowledge from the loss.

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