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Pronunciation– lah-gooze

Meanings – flowing water, intuition, unconscious, cleansing, psychic ability

Interpretations – Symbolizes femininity and the water element in all its forms (tides, lakes, oceans, rain, rivers and also the water within our body). Laguz represents psychic abilities and reminds us how important it is to have a deep understanding of our self. Anything that has ever been built or conceived, finds root in our subconscious selves. Laguz challenges you to go with the flow and be adaptable to all situations. Also represents intuition and emphasizes that you follow your own instincts and feelings.

If reversed – No movement or flow promotes stagnate waters. You may not be growing and may be blocked creatively, professionally, or spiritually. It can be very useful to spend some time meditating next to moving water to help clear up any blockages. Also allowing yourself to pursue creative interests or hobbies can be very beneficial.

Inscriptions – feminine energy, flowing water, enhancing and developing intuition and creativity

Pronunciation– ing-ooze

Meanings – male potency and sexuality, home and hearth, internal growth, perfect timing

Interpretations – This is a very encouraging rune and can mean good luck. Inguz represents Spring energy and new life after a cold dark Winter. The energy within a fertile seed is infinite. This can apply to procreative, professional or creative endeavors.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – fertility, passion, internal growth

Pronunciation– dah-gaz

Meanings – self- transformation, radical change, breakthrough

Interpretations – well-known for being called the "dawn rune – symbolizing hope and early light after the darkness of night. This is also a rune of renewals and transformations. The natural cycles of the earth and the moon teach us that life is about maintaining balance within each phase. We can always succeed against the darkness. Dagaz can sometimes lead to to a radical change, break throughs and great prosperity just like the butterfly this rune resembles.

If reversed – no reversed meaning

Inscriptions – awakening and enlightenment, creative and spiritual breakthroughs, good karma

Pronunciation– owe-tha-la

Meanings – heritage, family love, ancestral spiritual power, story telling

Interpretations – Othala respects and honors our connectedness to our ancestors and heritage. No matter how far we may roam we are always linked to our family and always bring with us influences, ideas, traits, knowledge or habits that originate from them. Some of them may even be unconscious. Othala may be urging you to reach out to your family for emotional support or reminding you to check in with them.

If reversed – often symbolizes a rift within the family whether by divorce, arguments, or after the death of a relative. It can also be warning you to not "stir the pot" and avoid disagreements at this time.

Inscriptions – promotes prosperous family relationships, communication with ancestors, grounding and connectedness to our roots.

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