Part 1

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Kohona, Land of Fire
Asahi Namikaze POV:
"This home, Dad?" Tayuya asked me, and I nodded with a smile, feeling her hands tightly in my hair. I had her on my shoulders. She was looking at the Hokage faces on the mountain in awe.

"It sure is sweaty," Ryoko said, grabbing my hand with a smile, looking at the young girl with a bigger smile.

Tayuya was about three years old. She was a little thing we found her at the High-class inn we were staying on our honeymoon in the land of hot springs. She tried stealing from us, but I told her to go back to our room with Ryoko to have dinner with us, and she looked like an orphan. The girl looked like she never had a decent meal in her life. I was closely interested in this young girl. She had long red hair like my mother. And 99 percent of redheads are from the Uzumaki clan. So when she went to sleep, I had Ryoko compare my blood to Tayuya since I was half Uzumaki.

And it showed she was a match for me. It would seem we were cousins in blood. When Tayuya woke up the following day, she went to leave, but Ryoko and I told her to stay with us for the rest of the honeymoon. Tayuya loved it, and by the end, she called Ryoko mom. At first, Ryoko was stunned but accepted it. Later that same night, Ryoko and I discussed what to do with her. We decided to take her with us the whole journey back. She was calling me Dad, and Ryoko was being called mom.

I wanted to introduce Tayuya to mother and father. And see what they thought.

"Is that Asahi Namikaze?" One of the Chunin guards said at the gate.

"Yeah, and why does he have a little girl?" The other guard said while I walked past them. We walked into the village, and everybody was whispering about the prince of Kohona. We're back with the Sand Princess or the Iron Kunoichi. I and Ryoko we're the second alliance marriage of the hidden leaf. The first one being the first Hokage Hashirama Senju and princess of the Uzumaki Clan Mito Uzumaki. My great-great-aunt on my mother's side.

"Asahi!" I turned and saw my very pregnant mother walking to us. We smiled and closed the gap between us. I hugged her gently. Mom's eyes went wide when she saw Tayuya on my shoulders.

"Cute! What's your name, sweetie!?" mother said, picking up Tayuya off my shoulder and kissing her cheek, making Tayuya smile.

"Tayuya," Tayuya said with a smile and grabbed Kushina's long red hair.

"Her hair is like mine, daddy!" Tayuya said, smiling with Kushina hair in hand and with her looking back at me. I felt the 'The Great chill,' as dad called it.

"Asahi, why is she calling you 'daddy'? Did you keep a secret from me? I know you have only known Ryoko for almost two years. But you have been married for only three months. So sweetie, please tell me you didn't know what outside of wedlock." Mom asked me with a too-sweet smile, and I could see her hair starting to rise off the ground, making me afraid.

"No, Kushina, we found Tayuya on our honeymoon," Ryoko said, grabbing my hand. Mom's face became curious at this. And I saw her hair fall to the ground, making me want to escape 'The Great Danger' as dad calls it.

So we told her everything on our trip and back. At first, mom was sad to hear Tayuya being an orphan but proud of me for taking in a young girl. And even happier when we told Tayuya is part of the Uzumaki clan. And that Tayuya was calling me and Ryoko Dad and Mom.

"Well, let your father know," Kushina said with a smile. But I stopped her looking at the distance between us and the Hokage tower. How could she be this far away!

I put my hand together and made a shadow clone towards Tayuya enjoyment. My clone quickly picked up Kushina. She gave me the look of 'You don't control me,' but I gave her a look that copies my father. The only person other than me that can calm down mother.

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