Part 6

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I am shocked no one said anything about Princess Ayaka. And to the readers that I had, I vote to let you know, Shizune won. So I came up with another idea for Tsume.

Lady Biwako was out of her element. Asahi was strapped down to a bed with seals to control him because of how uncontrolled the nine tails chakra was, but the problem was there was an advantage Asahi had with the Phoenix summons. The Chakra seals on him were being burned with gold-colored fire flames. It would take it about an hour to burn through their strongest seals. It was an advantage. He could never be captured with anything chakra-related. At least not for long.

Asahi was lying on the bed with his right arm connected to him, but you could see where it was back put together. There were highly discolored chakra and veins on his arm. But it kept on changing back to normal colors every couple of minutes.

Her healing chakra was battling the Phoenix and the nine tails chakra. This was a case of severe chakra posing, but this was different. It was like three sources were battling for control and killing each other. Too bad the nine tails and Phoenix Chakra were like equals. Asahi was extremely in pain. We couldn't perform a jutsu to put him asleep. Again the Phoenix chakra kept anything away on its own.

Asahi tried keeping his mind somewhere else. He wanted to see his family, but he didn't want to place her and the baby in danger. He was most likely going to die. He was in so much pain. He was doing everything he could from screaming. He called for the Clan heads. He needed them for a request. Asahi threatened to leave if Lady Biwako didn't listen. And Lady Biwako could tell some thoughts were on his mind.

Soon all the Clan heads were standing beside the bed. All of them were almost near tears seeing the young boy they seen grow from birth. A happy, strong baby to a brave man that stood alone against the nine tails. The greatest threat to the village.

"I need y'all help on (grunts in pain) something." Asahi said with his body clearly showing how much pain he was in.

"What is Asahi. How can we help?" Tsume asked, worried for the pup in front of her. Asahi went to answer, but he grabbed his heart area and grunting in pain, almost screaming. This caused Tsume motherly instants to take over. And she rushed to his side and held his hand. At the same time, he thrashed around in pain.

Kushina would help her children, so why couldn't she. Tsume remembered the days after the white fang killed himself. Aashi was in grief and blamed himself that his 'Hero' beside his father and the Hokage's killed himself. She remembered that day when she found Asahi with kunai at his heart area. He was ready to kill himself, but luckily she found him. She talked him down from going through it. She remembered him crying in her arms that day and took him home. She told Kushina about the incident. Kushina went to Asahi's bed for weeks to sleep with him.

The other clan heads could only watch in sorrow at seeing the strong man in front of them in so much pain.

"I'm sorry." Asahi said with tears going down his face. Now, this caught everyone off guard. This was like them being stabbed in the heart. At watching the tears go down his face. Minus Tsume the Clan heads have never seen Asahi in pain or cry.

"Sorry. I am sorry I couldn't defeat it. parents died because of me." Asahi said, crying and with so much blame on himself. "Asahi, the village is so proud of you. You have nothing to worry about." Tsume said, rubbing his hand. But Asahi shook his head.

"My family is in danger. I can't protect them when I am dead." Asahi said to them. Making it known, he knows he could die.

"Asahi. Lord Third has Jiraiya getting Tsunade to come here to help you." Fugaku Uchiha said to the young man. He remembers the days where Asahi would train/play with Itachi, Hideo, and Shisui as if they were all brothers. Fugaku still remembers the day he told the clan he wanted Asahi as an honorable friend to the clan. The whole clan agreed instantly.

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