Part 10

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It's been almost two years since Asahi's family grew, with Fu, Karin, and Dan, all three lovely children. When he married Shizune officially as his second wife with her name changing to Shizune Namikaze, and Dan taking the Namikaze name also. Asahi found out that Lady Tsunade called in a major favor to the Fire Daimyo, allowing Asahi to be placed in the Clan restoring Act. Princess Ayaka also helped with the legal procedures of getting Asahi in the CRA.

Lady Tsunade was called Grandma Tsuande by the children. She might hate it when people bring up her age, but she didn't care about the toddlers calling her grandma. She loved it. Tsunade thought she never loves anything else from the hidden leaf. But when she saw the Asahi raise his children, it could only remind her of what her Grandfather did with the orphans of the village when she was young. She remembered him treating all of them as they were his own. Her grandmother said to her that he did it because his friend Asahi Uzumaki used to do it.

Tsunade was shocked that Shizune named her baby Dan after Shizune's uncle. She loved how the children were, and the type of father Asahi was. She remembered throughout her childhood that her Grandfather and granduncle suffered and blamed themselves for killing Asahi Uzumaki to the day they died. She remembered her Grandmother Mito taking care of Kushina as if she was her own daughter. Kushina was just like her great grandfather Asahi Uzumaki. And Kushina was the last one of the Uzumaki clan to be a descendant of Asahi Uzumaki. Mito still blamed herself for not saving Asahi Uzumaki to the day she died.

Kushina's mother and grandfather and Kushina herself took in the values that Asahi Uzumaki had.

'Never fight family. And never disrespect women.'

Asahi was teaching Izumi and Tayuya how to channel chakra and tree walk. Izumi was doing a little bit better because she was older than Tayuya. The other children were playing in the backyard with each other. There were a small pond and several trees in the area. Ryoko, Shizune, and Tsunade were talking to each other.

There was one toddler that was watching his older sisters on how to channel chakra. That child's name was Minato. Minato walked his way to a tree. And look up at it, realizing he never done anything with chakra.

"There you go. Practice makes perfect." Asahi said, watching his daughters trying to walk up the trees. Izumi was almost to the top, and Tayuya would get a couple of steps in before falling. Both of them were breathing hard and sweating but making progress. Asahi noticed Minato looking closely at a tree. Asahi smirked, and Hiraishin above Minato and was standing on a branch smirking at his son.

"Minato, you haven't even unlocked your chakra yet. You thinking about walking up the tree?" Asahi asked with a raised eyebrow looking at his young son."Yes, dad," Minato said simply. Causing Asahi to chuckle at this. "Well, try then." Asahi said to his son. The whole family looked at this with smirks thinking that the almost 3-year-old would fall at his first step and hurt himself. All three women got ready to heal him.

"Ok, Dad," Minato said, shoulder-shrugging like it was nothing. And Minato placed his right foot on the bottom of the tree and then his left and so forth up the tree where his father was and stood next to him.

Say Asahi was shocked was an understatement. 'How! Did he practice? At that age, I barely knew how to do that. But I had to train all night and day.' Asahi thought, looking at this. Minato's younger siblings could only stare at this and cheer. But Minato seemed not to notice this. He was thinking about how he could help his older sisters. The adult women could only stare at this in shock also.

"Good job Minato!" Tsunade said smiling. "That was good, Minato," Ryoko said, amazed at this. Minato smiled."Thank you, granny Tsunade. And Momma Ryoko." Minato said, smiling at them, and he looked down and saw his older brother Naruto trying to run up the tree. "Naruto!" (Gets Naruto's attention and starts to climb down the tree.)."Try climbing the tree with both hands and feet. It helps your muscles." Minato said to Naruto, and Naruto nodded.

Naruto: Asahi Namikaze  (on hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang