Part 12

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'Team Asahi' was told that they would leave tomorrow morning to leave for the Hidden Mist. Or rather, Hiraishin their through Asahi's old Hiraishin markers in the Hidden Mist from his days back in the wars. Asahi was in charge of watching Mei in the village. He was 'asked' to watch her in the village by the Hokage. He was escorting her to the same restaurant he goes to with his family regularly. The Red Dragon.Because the people there won't question him having another ninja there from a different village.

"So your mother was Kushina of the Uzumaki Clan," Mei asked Asahi."Yes. why?"Asahi asked the rebel leader a little suspiciously. "Just wondering? By any chance, were you name after Asahi Uzumaki?" She asked, and he nodded. "Yes. And if you were wondering, he is my mother's Great grandfather." Asahi said, making her nod her head, and she had a blush and a small smile. Confusing Asahi. 'Why she blushing?' He thought.

Asahi paid for their lunch, and they spoke about several things about the civil war, from enemy to rebel numbers and several critical points in the Hidden Mist. During lunch, Mei noticed that many people in the place were happy that Asahi was there. But also saw close to half the villagers murmured things about Asahi. She noticed each time someone mentioned things about Asahi's oldest son Naruto. (A/N that's what most people think Naruto is to Asahi outside the village.) And Asahi would give them hate full glares, but each time they said something about Asahi being the cause of Kushina death. Now each time something like that was said, she could have sworn she saws his eyes flash red. She didn't know what it was.'Is it a Kekkei Genkai?' (Bloodline trait) she thought.

"I think it would best if you stayed at my family's compound for today." Asahi narrowing his eyes at the rooftops. Mei followed Asahi's eyes and noticed something off. She used her sensor skills to the best she could and felt chakra on the rooftops. 'Probably Leaf Anbu,' She thought. Mei saw Asahi looked around, and saw a couple of members of the Uchiha police force."Hey Uchiha!" Asahi yelled out, and the Uchiha members saw Asahi and smiled, and walked to him. They took a glance at Mei for a second and looked back at Asahi."Anything wrong, Lord Asahi." One of the members asked."Are there so post to be any Anbu patrols in this area right now." Asahi asked the Uchiha, and they looked at each other then back at Asahi. "Not that we know of Lord Asahi." The Uchiha said, and Asahi pointed to multiple rooftops. The Uchiha members activated the famous Sharingan and looked at the rooftops. And the Uchiha sighed at this.

"We understand, Lord Asahi."The Uchiha said, jumping on the rooftops and shadows left with the Uchiha members chasing them. "Trouble," Mei asked him, but he shook his head with a smile. They continued on their walk. "So I saw the lakes outside the village, and they are very beautiful. (He nods his head) I heard you made them," Mei said to him, and he nodded."That was the outcome of the fight between me and the nine tails. He barely won. He won't beat me now." He said with a slight growl to her, and she nodded. "Well, we won't have trouble beating the three tails then." She said, making him narrow his eyes a little at this."What about the six tails. I need to know about any possible dangers." Asahi asked her, but she answered after a moment."Missing."She said, and he nodded. She can't disclose more information about her Village, even if they were allies.

They walked to the Uzumaki/Namikaze compound. Mei instantly saw children running and playing in the yards. "All of them yours?" Mei asked, a little surprised, and he nodded. "Yes, but most of them are adopted. The redheads have blood ties to me. Minato, Dan, and Naruto are my Biological sons."Asahi said to her, and she nodded. Tenten noticed them."Daddy!" She yelled, running to Asahi with the other kids doing the same and swarming him, giving him hugs with him rubbing their heads."Who's this daddy," Dan said, pointing at Mei. Asahi kneeled in front of him. "This is Mei Terumī. I want all of you to treat her with respect. Can you do that for me?" He asked the children, and they nodded, and all of them looked at Mei. Inside Mei right now, she wanted to say cute and grab a couple of them and never let go.

"Mei. Izumi and Tayuya are at the academy. I can only guess Minato is training but meet Naruto, Dan, Fu, Tenten, Karin, and Isaribi." Asahi said with the children bowing to her, and she returned the bow surprised by their actions."Where's your mothers'" Asahi asked them, and they pointed to the house, and he nodded. 'Mothers' Mei thought with confusion. Asahi lead Mei into the compound. He opened the door for her, and she saw two women at the table talking to each other. She recognized one of them. Ryoko Namikaze the Iron Mistress. But the other woman she didn't know of."Mei, please meet Ryoko and Shizune, my wives. Ryoko, Shizune, meet Mei." Asahi said, introducing them to each other."Nice to meet you," Shizune said, bowing to her with a smile, with Ryoko nodding her head to Mei. "Ryoko, Shizune, we have to talk. Please sit." Asahi said seriously, and they nodded, sitting down. "I'm being sent to the Hidden Mist to help stop the civil war. Hideo and Pakura are going to be helping me on this mission. I should go because of the bloodline purges that have been starting there. Mei is the leader of rebels trying to stop it."Asahi said to them, and their happy mood stopped."Mei, could you wait outside, please." Ryoko asked Mei, and she nodded and walked outside, feeling the mood shift.

Mei walked outside and saw the children playing. She saw Karin reading a book so she walked to her and she sat near her. "Hey, Karin, what your reading," Mei asked the girl. "Beginners for Medical ninjutsu," Karin said, and she nodded. "So you want to be a medical ninja," Mei asked, interested, and she nodded. "I want to be like my grandmother Tsunade," Karin said, causing Mei's eyes to go wide."Lady Tsuande of the Sannin!" Mei asked, and she nodded. "Could you please read this part for me," Karin asked, and Mei nodded, helping her?

Soon an hour past and the door opened to be Shizune."Kids' lunch is ready! Mei, come, we got something for you." Shizune said, and the kids ran in, with Mei following them in. It showed Asahi rubbing his head from what seemed stressed, but Mei didn't comment. 'Most likely, a fight happened.'Mei thought. They had lunch with the family laughing and eating happily. Mei discovered many things from the children. The day went on with Asahi spending time with his children, teaching and playing with each child. And if somebody had to be declared the world's number one dad, then it would be Asahi. He treated all his children fairly and equally, and it showed that his love for his children was strong. Mei was stopped out of her thoughts when Ryoko stepped beside her.

"He knows he will be gone a while, so he's spending as much time as can with each one. Before each time he leaves us, he treats it as if it would be his last day seeing them." Ryoko said sadly, making Mei nod her head at seeing Asahi treat his children with love and care, a great last memory for his children if he dies. Soon Izumi and Tayuya came walking into the compound, and they hugged their father, seeing him home. And Asahi help trained them with the younger ones trying to do the same thing. "He's good a man, a better husband but a great dad," Shizune said to Mei while they watching chase his children in the trees. Soon night came, and the children went inside for dinner, and yet a great dinner happened with the children not knowing that their father was going to leave for a year.

Soon it showed Asahi and Mei jumping from tree to tree, going to get Minato that was most likely training. Asahi and Mei arrived at a field that had the aftermath of many Jutsu's. "Minato did all this?" Mei asked Asahi, and he nodded. "He trains a lot." he simply said. Asahi walked behind a tree and saw his son sleeping, exhausted from training. Asahi smiled at his son and picked him up. And they arrived back at the compound. And Asahi put Minato in his bed. Asahi walked into the hallway and closed the door."The guest room is two doors down on the left. We leave before the children wake up."Asahi said to Mei. "Why don't you want to say bye to them," Mei said to Asahi, but Asahi took a deep breath before answering. "They would beg me to stay, and I'm not for sure if I could resist them. I get you early. Have a good night."Asahi said to her, and she nodded.

When she laid in the guestroom bed, she was feeling guilty about taking Asahi from his family. But there are thousands of families suffering, and he has the power to stop it.

Several hours later, it showed a naked Asahi getting up from his bed from his two nude wives sleeping soundly. He quietly put on his gear and any spare gear into seals. He went to each of his sleeping children and kissed their foreheads without waking them up. After he got done with the last child and he walked into the hallway, his facial expression changed from a loving father into a veteran warrior.

Next chapter hidden mist civil war. And sorry for the short chapter.

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