He could hear the younger wolf chuckle in his head and Xavier too pushed after him. His brother was one of the most important people to him.

Aiden never really held any secrets from his brother and he didn't really mean to keep this one as well. So they never really had their mind links closed. As an immediate family, it was very easy for werewolves to know what is bothering someone close to them or how they are feeling.

Hence, Xavier knew that someone's scent was bothering his brother, but he didn't sense any danger. The alpha then didn't pry into his mind, if it wasn't anything putting him in danger, then Xavier will wait until his brother tells him what's the matter.

When the two brothers reached the packhouse, Xavier had beaten Aiden by a very little distance, and Aiden was proud of how he had gained speed.

When they entered the packhouse, the warriors were all lounging in the lobby downstairs, so the two boys ran up the stair and entered straight into the parents' room. The boys could smell all of the family in there so they didn't knock on the door.

When Xavier and Aiden walked in, all drenched in sweat from running for so long, Selena looked at him with didn't let any expression come to her face.

"So how was it?" Damien, Xavier's father asked.

"We scanned the area. No signs of rogues and the warriors were all very actively patrolling. All's good, dad, don't worry." Xavier fell on the bed just beside Selena as his mother sat on the opposite side of it too. Both Selena and Adriana, his mother, furrowed their eyebrows, but Selena spoke first.

"You're all sweaty. At least take a shower before jumping on the bed," she rolled her eyes subtly. Adriana smiled but quickly hid it.

Damien and Xavier both looked at their mates respectively. Xavier raised his eyebrow because his mate just sounded a lot like his mother and Damien had caught the subtle approval for Selena in her eyes.

Adriana was a tough character to impress. Her children were all the most precious beings to her. Ileana finding her mate was not tough as they knew Ryan since he was a child. But the mates of her other children were in for a very hard test.

"Selena was just helping us catch up," Damien smiled.

"Mr. Martinez, I..."

"Please dear, call me Damien."

"Damien," Selena said, trying to ignore the memories of hearing that name in her father's voice, "This pack was the closest to us, we called for help. But they never came."

Damien's eyes dimmed slightly, "We did, but what we received was a very frantic call from who was supposed to be the future beta of that pack. He had rambled about needing help and his pack being under attack when the call had disconnected. We came as soon as we heard."

Selena stilled. Jayce Leven, her beta, her best friend since she understood what the term meant. Her emotions were going to take over if she didn't block them again, and she did, but another distant memory resurfaced.

Hadn't she asked Lila to call Ferocious Shadows for help?

She could feel Izzy's anger rising.

'Maybe she got attacked before she got to...' Selena tried to defend but Izzy wasn't having any of it.

'We would have felt it, the loss of the connection, we didn't.'

Izzy had already closed the connection; the wolf never enjoyed talking about her lost pack.


Xavier was now directly in front of her. Selena smiled but the sadness was very clear in her eyes.

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