•XI - Blow It Up•

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THE GREAT hall was silent. The only thing the students could hear were the turning of the pages, and the scribbles of the quills.

Harry just stared at Umbridge with such anger, Ron rubbing his face to get over his sleepiness- in all honesty, the only one that's really answering the papers were Hermione Granger. Although, I don't think that's a surprise.

Out of everyone, the only ones that weren't in the great hall were the Weasley twins and Y/N Black. Not that anyone noticed that they were gone, anyways.

But unknowingly to everyone, the three mischievous students were just around the corner, fireworks in hand.

Y/N was so impressed of the twins, their creations were sure to make it to Hogwarts' history, along with them, of course.

And this, what they're about to do. They were a thousand percent sure that this moment will make it to every history book in the wizarding world. 

"All ready?" the girl asked the twins.

Both red heads shared a grin, "Ready," they said in unison.

Getting a firework from his satchel, Fred threw it up in the air, and just like that, it made its way towards the great hall.

Y/N Black grabbed her broom, and mounted it. She wasn't part if the quidditch team, but she was a fair flyer, "Let's blow it up," she said, and with that, the twins mounted their own brooms.

The three levitated off the ground, "Let's make mischief," grinned Fred.

George smiled, "Last one's a rotten egg!" he exclaimed, and flew off.

Both Fred and Y/N laughed, and followed the ginger. They saw Umbridge outside the great hall, wide eyes from seeing them.

But they ignored the pink toad, and zoomed past her, flying into the great hall, making the parchments fly everywhere. The three threw fireworks in the air, and in sync, they all went off, showing colorful sparkles.

Everyone stood up, and ran around, smiles on their faces. Y/N felt proud of herself, and of course, the twins. Ever since Umbridge stepped foot in Hogwarts, people didn't have time to smile.

So this was very full filling.

And the face on Umbridge's face- it was priceless!

Fred and George flew over the Headmistress, and high fived each other- probably just to annoy her more.

Y/N laughed, and looked around. She saw Draco smiling. But then his smile disappeared when a firework made its way towards him. He backed away, but there was a wall. He ran off, but his terrified face was printed on the wall, making the Gryffindor laugh.

Filch entered the great hall, his face just as bad as Umbridge's. 

"Y/N!" exclaimed George, and lifted the biggest firework they have. 

The girl smiled, and got her own from her satchel. And together, the three of them threw the fireworks in the air, and like that, it created a dragon.

Umbridge's eyes widen as she saw the dragon made its way towards her. She ran out of the great hall, but she still wasn't fast enough, it ate her- though it didn't really, unfortunately.

The dragon exploded into thousands of tiny fireworks, and they made their ways to the rules on the wall. It all exploded with the rules, and just like that, the frames fell on the ground with a loud thud.

Everyone cheered, while Umbridge was for sure annoyed, and furious. And to see that she was covered with soot.

Fred and George flew out of the great hall, the students following them.

But as Y/N made her way to follow, she was called by none other than Draco Malfoy himself.

He shouldn't care, but he does. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"This has to be my favorite moment this year!" Y/N exclaimed as she lowered her broom. At this point, everyone was already outside, so it was just the two of them.

While Y/N was in such a happy mood, Draco was not buying any of it, "Are you out of your mind?!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

The girl's smile fell, "I don't think so..?"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "You could get in serious trouble! You could get hurt!"

"Okay, hold your horses," Y/N let out a scoff, "I'm just having fun! Living my life on the edge!" she exclaimed with such disbelief.

But the blonde just ran a hand through his hair- it was sort of attractive, but it wasn't the time, "That's messed up," he let out a sigh.

Funny how a few days ago, they were back to being friends, and now, they were arguing again. Merlin, when will they get along?

Y/N mounted her broom, and frowned at Draco, "Well, I'm sorry I don't follow ruled," she said, a sigh leaving her lips, "You should try it sometimes, Draco. What's life without a little risk?"

With that, the girl left on her broom, leaving the blonde thinking to himself.

He knew that Y/N was right, but he refused to believe it. He didn't need to live his life on the edge to have fun.


As Draco walked out of the great hall and towards the front of the castle, Y/N just flew around, throwing fireworks everywhere.

But when the Weasleys threw their fireworks to create a 'W', she just lowered her broom down towards the trio, who looked up in awe.

Y/N was happy, even though a few minutes ago, she just had yet another argument with Draco. She won't let the blonde ruin her day.

"That was wicked!" exclaimed Ron to her as she stood beside the trio. 

"I know," Y/N smiled

Suddenly, all the girl's fun was pulled away from her, when Harry suddenly fell on the ground, "Harry!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with worry, "Are you okay?"

But he didn't answer, instead, he just stared at a spot. His eyes held fear in them, as if there was something bad going on.

Hermione looked over, and her eyes filled with worry seeing Harry on the ground. She ran towards him, kneeling down beside Y/N.

For a moment, everything seemed quiet for Y/N. She was scared of what might be going on. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine when Harry looked at her, as if he was scared- not for himself, but for Y/N Black.

"Harry..?" asked Hermione in a low voice.

And just like that, the green eyed boy said one word that  made Y/N's eyes widen,



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