•XLVIII - Thief•

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AFTER HOURS of waiting and listening to Ron's attempts of playing canon in D on piano, a crashing and sounds of voices could be heard from the kitchen.

The four shared a look and immediately stood up, speed walking towards the dining room.

Slamming the door open, Harry took the lead, the three teenagers not far behind him. In front of them were three living creatures. One human, and two house elves, "Harry Potter, so long it's been!" exclaimed the elf on the man's leg.

Y/N did not recognize this elf, but if Harry knew him, he was most probably not danger.

"Get off me!" exclaimed the man who was known as Mundungus Fletcher.

The four of them watched as Kreacher stuck a finger in Fletcher's nose, making the three of them crash on the floor. Y/N jumped at the sound- it's been so quiet in their house that she wasn't used to loud sounds anymore.

Kreacher, Fletcher, and the other house elf struggled to stand up, "As requested, Kreacher has returned with the thief," said Kreacher.

Y/N nodded a small thank you, then she saw Fletcher slide his hands up inside his robes, as if getting something. She immediately acted fast, and raised her wand, "Expelliarrmus!" she exclaimed, and with that, the man's wand flew into her hands.

Hermione smiled at Y/N, as if proud. It made Y/N's blood rush to her cheeks, but she was quick to shake out of it.

"What you playing at?" Fletcher glared, "Setting a pair of bleeding house elves after me?!"

The other house elf whom Y/N still did not know the name of, climbed a chair and immediately explained himself, "Dobby was only trying to help!" he said.

Y/N tilted her head, "Dobby?" she said, wanting the house elf to elaborate more.

"Yes, ma'am. Dobby was used to be the Malfoy's house elf until Harry Potter freed him, ma'am," he smiled. Y/N felt her chest tighten at the sound of Draco's family name. When will he ever get off her mind? "Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby thought was curious! And then, Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name!"

Kreacher tried to jump in, "I just-"

But Dobby did not let him continue, "And then Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief, Mundungus-"

"I'm no thief!" the man cut the house elf off, making everyone stop and look at him. Fletcher looked like he badly wanted to attack Dobby, "You foul little-" Y/N took her wand out, pointing it at him, "Git," he sighed, "I'm a purveyor of of rare and wondrous objects."

Suddenly, Ron walked forward from the doorway. Y/N didn't even notice that he stayed behind, "You're a thief, Dung. Everyone knows it," he said, and in all honesty, the way he said it made Y/N tilt her head towards him. His voice sounded so good when he said it.

Y/N shook her head. The one thing that she didn't like about her father got passed onto her. Which was: the fact that she's attracted to almost everyone. Not as much as she's attracted to Draco- because that's a different level. But she seemed to find at least one thing she finds cute in someone.

Except this man in front of her, of course. And people like Voldemort and Umbridge.

Yes, Umbridge is the worst.

"Master Weasley, so good to see you again," said Dobby, walking forward to shake Ron's hand.

Ron smiled back, it was like he wasn't all cold and angry earlier. He shook Dobby's hand, "Wicked trainers," he said, commenting on the elf's shoes.

Then suddenly, Mundungus accidentally knocked something off, making their attention go back to the thief. He walked backwards as they all walked towards him, towering over him, "Listen, I panicked that night, alright? Could I help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom?"

Y/N has heard about Moody's death from Fred when they danced. It was tragic. Y/N thought that the former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (or I guess it wasn't really him) was a good addition to the Order. They weren't close, but the girl hoped to have learned a lot more from him.

"Tell the truth," Hermione said, her tone with warning.

"Don't deny it, you found a locket here, am I right?" Harry asked, his voice hard.

Mundungus raised an eyebrow, "Why?" he asked, "Was is valuable?"

"You still got it?" asked Hermione.

Ron shook his head, "No, he's worried he didn't get enough money for it!"

Fletcher looked like he was about to cry, in all honesty, "Bleeding give it away, didn't I?" he shook his head in disbelief, "There I was, flogging me wares in Diagon Alley. When some Ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license! Says she's a mind to lock me up!"

"She?" said Y/N, collecting what she could.

Mundungus nodded, "And would've done it too, if she hadn't taken a fancy to that locket."

"Who was she?" asked Harry, "The witch, do you know?"

The man shook his head, "No I-" he stopped, noticing something on the floor. He picked up a parchment from the floor. Y/N noticed it was one of the Daily Prophets Sirius had been reading, "Well, she's there, look!" Fletcher said and put the Daily Prophet on the table, "Bleeding bow and all!"

They all looked down on the newspaper, and immediately, the four shared a knowing look, "Oh, the bloodiest of the bloody hell no!" Y/N couldn't help but exclaim.

On the Daily Prophet showed Dolores Umbridge herself. It was like a few moments ago that she was talking about how much Y/N hated the pink toad.

When they left their fifth year, she never thought she'd be seeing this woman again.

Turns out, she was very wrong.

"Well, better get started then," said Harry and immediately left to the living room where the rest of their things were.

Y/N looked back at Kreacher, Dobby and Mundungus Fletcher, "Wait, what about him?" she asked, pointing at the man.

Ron and Hermione shared a look. Hermione walked forward and pointed a wand at the man, making him whimper in fear, "Walk away and never turn back. Do you hear me?"

Mundungus Fletcher nodded in fear, "Yes. I don't want to die like this anyways," he said.

"Now, scram," said Ron, and without another thought, the man ran away and out the front door. 

The three looked at each other, "You guys sure it was a good decision to just free him like that?" asked Y/N.

Hermione nodded, "He's too afraid to die to even turn us in to Umbridge," she sighed with a shake of her head, "Well then, off to the ministry," she said and walked off towards the living room, Ron following her not far behind.

Y/N was left in the dining room alone. Dobby went to Harry to say goodbye, and Kreacher went to Merlin knows where.

She was once again alone. And she was leaving this place again. She has no idea when she'll be able to walk these hallways again, eat dinner with her father on their dining table again, or sleep on her bed. Maybe they'll go back later, but she doubted that. Especially if things go south.

The girl had no idea when she'll be able to see her father again, or if she'll see her father again. She was living her life on the edge, and she didn't find it fun anymore. She missed the days when it was fun, when she was running around Hogwarts pranking students here and there with Fred and George.

She missed the days she was with Draco. When he had her arms around her, when he kissed her with so much passion with love.

Y/N let out a sigh and walked out of the dining table. They had Horcruxes to find, and lives to Risk.

There was no time crying over a boy.


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