•LIX - His Rose•

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BY THE time Harry got back to camp- with Ron and Y/N, of course-, the sun was already out. Still, though, since it was winter, it was as gloomy as ever. Just normal England.

"Hermione?" Harry called out as they walked closer towards their tent.

Not moments after, Hermione Granger scurried out of the tent. Ron and Y/N stayed a bit behind, knowing that the bushy haired girl won't exactly be happy, nor upset to see them.

"Is everything alright?" asked Hermione, her hair all over her face as if she's just woken up.

Harry glanced at the two behind him, then back at Hermione, "It's fine," he says, as if it was true, "Actually, you know, it's more than fine!" he exclaimed as the bushy haired girl strutted up the small hill they were on.

Hermione was now in full view, and so was Ron and Y/N. The redhead's face lit up with such joy seeing Hermione again, and Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

But her smile soon disappeared, seeing Hermione's breathing a bit deep, as if she was mad. And knowing her, she probably is.

And as expected, Hermione stomps towards Ron, pulling his bag off him, pushing him, and saying: "You," she bent down to pick up dry leaves, only to throw them all at Ron, "Complete arse, Ronald Weasley!"

Y/N gave a small wave, "Yes, good to see you too, 'Mione."

The girl ignored her, and spanked Ron with his own bag, "You show up here after weeks!" she exclaimed, "And you say hey?!"

"Well, I mean, he could've said how you doin? instead, but I doubt he would've thought about it with all the stress he's feeling right now," Y/N butted in, sort of annoyed that now they're back, all her attention is on Ron.

Like, could she at least acknowledge her? Hello? She's not wearing Harry's invisibility cloak, is she?

Hermione could only give her a glare.

She then, looked at Harry, her face dedicated, "Where's my wand, Harry?" she asked, strutting towards the boy who lived, "Where's my wand?!"

"I don't know," said Harry as he started to step backwards, scared of what Hermione might do to him.

Hermione kept walking towards the green eyed boy until he backed up to a tree, "Harry Potter, give me my wand!" she exclaimed angrily.

"I don't have it!" exclaimed Harry.

Ron walked forward, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, "How come he's got your wand?" he asked.

"Never mind why he's got my wand!" exclaimed 'Mione, her face scrunched up with fury.

Y/N let out a deep breath, and just couldn't help but think how oblivious these both are. If only she could just blurt out: Yo, 'Mione, Ron likes you very much, and he's jealous of you and Harry!

But she knew it wasn't something for her to tell.

"Calm down, Hermione," said Y/N, "Besides, if it wasn't for Ron, we couldn't have destroyed the locket!"

Hermione's face slowly softened. Funny how a second ago, she was all mad and angry, but now..

"You destroyed it," she said softly, looking back at Harry, Y/N, then back to the redhead, "And how is it that you just happen to have the sword of Gryffindor?"

This time, it was Harry who answered, "It's a long story," he said.

Hermione's chest raised up and down, her breathing deep, "Don't think this changes anything," she said, then started walking towards their tent.

But she was stopped when Ron called out, "Oh, ofcourse not," said the redhead, "I only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux, why would that change anything?" he sighed in disbelief.

Y/N took a deep breath, "Hermione, Ron wanted to come back as soon as we left," she tried to reason. It was true, anyways, "He may have never said it, but he was thinking about it, I know."

"We just didn't know how to find you," added Ron.

"Yeah, how did you find us?" asked Harry.

Hugging herself from the cold, Y/N said, "Well, Hermione left some marks- which was very smart, and hardly noticeable- but Ron mostly led the way."

Ron took out his lighter, "This thing helped a lot. It doesn't just turn out lights," he said, showing them what Dumbledore left him, "I don't know how it works, but Christmas morning, we were sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from snatchers.. And I heard it."

Y/N glanced at Ron. She knew it was weird that Ron suddenly knew the way, but she didn't know this.

She thought for a moment, Probably because you were literally snoozing that Christmas morning, she couldn't help but think, But in my defense, I didn't want to wake up knowing dad won't be downstairs with some hot cocoa.

Knowing Draco won't send an owl to give his present.

The girl's breath hitched at the memory.. the ring. 

Then and there, she wanted to cry. But hasn't she cried enough?

Her mind went back to Draco's last words.

Be safe for me, my love. Goodbye, I love you.

If only she had the chance to tell him how much she loves him back.

• • •

It seemed like as if Draco's life has been a loop. Wake up, have breakfast with the Dark Lord, go back to his room, then lunch with the Dark Lord, spend some time with his mother, dinner with the Dark Lord, and finally, snooze until morning only to do those things once again.

Not like he actually snoozes at night- more like staring at Y/N's ring for hours until his mother finds him sleeping on his desk while holding the ring, and tuck him in bed properly.

But this specific night, instead of staring at the beautiful ring, he decided to leave it where it is- in his bedside table.

Instead, he picked up the book beside it.

It's been so long since he got it from his girlfriend's book shelf, but only now did he pick it up to read.

"The Little Prince," he mumbled out the title, and finally opened up the first page.

He read through it, getting completely lost in his own world for a while. It was relaxing. Finally not worrying about dying or anything of that sort.

But as he read through the story, he couldn't help but think how lucky the little prince was. He was a young, innocent child, wanting to explore the world, not knowing how cruel it really is.

Draco wanted to tell him that no, stop what your doing, go back to your rose. Because you'll never know when- or if he'll see her again.

He had questions. How could the Little Prince leave his rose that easily? He loved her, didn't he? Why did he leave his rose all alone, locked inside a glass dome like how Adam kept his' from Beauty and the Beast? (Of course he didn't know what Beauty and the Beast is)

If he had a choice like the Little Prince, he would've stayed with his rose. With Y/N.

But he's not the Little Prince. He doesn't have a choice.

And most importantly, Y/N isn't his rose any more longer.


If u were the Little Prince,

Would you leave your rose only to see the messed up world we live in, too?

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