•XXVII - The Truth•

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AS QUIET as she could, Y/N climbed her way back to the seventh floor corridor. She silently followed Draco's footprints on the map, but made sure to keep herself hidden.

Whatever Draco was up to, it was no good. It's unusual, because he's Draco. He wouldn't go making mischief without Y/N.

Suddenly, Draco stopped to a halt. Y/N stopped right the second he did. The girl's eyebrows furrowed when she saw the blonde's footprints vanish into thin air. How did that happen?

Y/N speed walked towards the place where Draco disappeared- then she stopped. It was no wonder he vanished. 

The tall wall of the room of requirement stood in front of her. Draco's inside, she was sure of it. But how could she go inside? She can't apparate- she's not allowed to, and she doesn't know how to yet. Apparition is taught 

She could just wait there and wait for Draco to come out? No, she doesn't have that much patience.

Y/N let out a defeated sigh, and walked away. 

But then, she stopped when she heard something. She looked back at the wall, her eyes widen seeing the doors there.

Slowly, she walked towards the door. Did she want to find out what Draco's up to? Yes, she does. But there's no doubt Draco's going to be mad at her for not respecting his privacy.

But she wants to help. Whatever it is.

Opening the door without it creaking, she slipped into the room, careful to not be seen. She looked around, all she saw were furniture. What's Draco doing in here? 

Suddenly, she heard metal clanking, so without another thought, she hid behind the stacks of chair. When her surrounding became quiet, she leaned a bit to see what was happening. A few meters away from her stood Draco, his back facing her.

Her eyebrows furrowed, seeing the blonde standing in front of some kind of cabinet. For all she knows, the Malfoys could buy new furniture- thousands of it, even. So why is Draco looking at it as if he wants it?

Draco opened the cabinet, looking at it with furrowed eyebrows. The girl heard a sigh of frustration from him, "Bloody cabinet. Why can't you just fix yourself?" he mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, he hissed in pain. He glanced at his arm, then rolled up his sleeve.

Then and there, Y/N found out the truth. Her mouth hung open in shock as she looked at Draco's left arm. There, she saw a tattoo she never knew she'd ever find on him. 

She didn't even notice she stood up from her hiding spot. She stepped out, her eyes glued on the blonde's arm, "You're a death eater."

Draco immediately pulled his sleeve down, and turned around, his eyes wide. He pulled his wand out from his pocket, and pointed it at Y/N without hesitation. But when he saw who it was, his eyes sort of softened, but only for a second.

He didn't put his wand down. He kept it ready- not to hex her, but to obliviate her. It was the only way to keep her out of this. 

"Did you follow me?" Draco asked her, his voice shaking.

Y/N raised both of her hands in surrender, and to show him that she meant no harm, "Is this why you kept avoiding me?" she asked, ignoring Draco's own question.

"Why are you here?" the blonde asked.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Are you a bloody idiot?! Ofcourse I wouldn't tell you! Who tells their friends that they're going to kill the headmaster by the end of the year?!" Draco suddenly realized he's said too much. So with a deep breath, he said, "Oblivi-"

"Oh, hell no!" Y/N exclaimed, stepping aside quickly. Luckily, the spell wasn't fully casted, so nothing happened, "You are not Obliviating me!"

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "What, so I'll just let you tell your friends what my plans are? That I'm a death eater? That I'm part of the community who wants to kill Potter?"

"Who said I was going to tell them?!"

The silence greeted them. Draco observed Y/N, her eyebrows were furrowed in frustration. She was a bit hurt that he didn't trust her enough. But she understood, too. He had a point, why would you tell your friends that you're basically danger?

"Why wouldn't you?" the blonde's voice was low, as if he was scared that his voice might once again break if he spoke louder.

Y/N slowly walked forward, "It's not my secret to tell," she said, looking into Draco's eyes. She put a hand over the blonde's, lowering his wand.

It almost seemed like something inside Draco clicked. Suddenly, all his face showed were pain, and sadness. The girl enveloped the blonde in a hug, letting him cry on her shoulder.

Draco Malfoy, the cocky bully. The boastful prick, basically a typical bad guy. He's broken, he's not supposed to feel this kind of pressure at this age.

Teenagers are supposed to be having fun, not ordered to kill someone.

Y/N looked back to herself a couple of moments ago. She told herself she wanted to help, whatever it is, she'll help. That's exactly what she plans to do. 

She knew Harry would be mad at her when he finds out. But Harry has everyone on his side, who did Draco have? No one.

The girl plans to be the one who kept him up when he's on the edge of falling. She'll be there for him, because no one will be. Her heart breaks so much for him. He tries to be all strong and brave, when in reality, he's just human. He gets hurt, but won't admit it.

Suddenly, Draco pulled away, and wiped the tears that threatened to fall, "You should leave," he told her, "I don't want to hurt you."

But Y/N caught his hand, squeezing it tightly to reassure him that she's here. It helped him, even though he didn't admit it, "You won't," she smiled up at the blonde, "I'll help you as much as I can. I'll be there for you."

It was like Draco was seeing Y/N in a new light. Her face slightly lighten up by the moonlight, but for some reason, she looks different. Draco didn't see Y/N Black, the mischievous Gryffindor.

Instead, he saw a girl who wants to help him. A girl who wants to be there for him. A girl to.. love him.

Draco felt something in his chest, and he already knew what it was. 

Y/N Black never failed to make him feel emotions. And he's thankful for her. 

He's glad that she walked into his life when she did.


Just realized I've been spelling "Apparition" wrong :')

Also, check out my new story! For Connor Murphy  (Dear Evan Hansen) fans out there! I've made a book about out dear Connor. We stan broken dudes who just wants sum love <3

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