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Like time skip a month ...

I wake up in the middle of the night.. my stomach hurt so bad ... I ran to the toilet and started to throw up... what was happening? Was I sick... I mean it is flu season but still.. Jefferson is still asleep.. so I yell to Wake him up ..
" BITCH WAKE UP!" I hear something hit the floor
" what the fuck.." he says .. I continue to throw up and he come over to me and holds up my hair ... he rubs circles in my back.. I stop throwing up and lean against the tub...
" how are you feeling?" He says putting a hand on my forehead ..
" god your burning up!" He says ..
" I don't know honestly... yesterday I felt fine but right now I just want to throw up... I feel like I'm spinning .." I say going back to the toilet and throwing up ..
"Okay I'm going to the store to get you some things!" He says grabbing the keys
" can't really go any where with our throwing up .." I laugh
" right..." he says walking out the door ... 30 minutes later I hear him come back in.. he runs over to me with bags of things ..
" okay so I may have overdone it.." he says looking through the bags
" ya think?" I say.. at this point I'm just hugging the toilet ...
" okay so I got some sprite to help your stomach... and then all your favorites snacks.. I got a weighted and heated blanket.. and pads plus tampons! Oh and I also got a pregnancy test ..." he says ..
" well if I'm pregnant why do I need the pads and tampons .." I laugh
" well for other times! Or if we have a daughter !" He says ... he thinks there gonna last that long...
" okay what are we waiting for! Give me the test!" He scrambled through the bag and hands me the test.. he walks out to give me privacy.. I call him back In while it's loading.. I slowly start to freak out ..
" what if I'm a bad mom... what if the baby hates me!" I say grabbing on to Jefferson..
" hey look at me... it's gonna be fine .. nobody could ever hate you.." he says kissing my forehead ...
" yea your right, I hope at least....." I say...
" wait something popped up!" He says grabbing the test ... it ... it's ...



" no way... I'm gonna be a father!" Jefferson says... he was so excited... and dare I say more than me...
" my god..." I say... he picks me up and spins me .... I start to laugh... then I start to feel more sick .. this was not helping ..
"Oh god put me down... I need to throw up..." he quickly puts me down and I throw up...we were gonna have a kid... and then... get married! It was all coming together for once ... but I was still in a little shock.... I was pregnant.... it was unbelievable.... but at the same it was...

9 months later ...

My water broke... and Jefferson was at work.. do I call him... or what do I do??. Jefferson installed this app on my phone that when my water broke I can send an alert to him and some other people ... I sent it.. and I kid you not, Jefferson was here in less than 10 minutes...
" how did you get here so fast? The walk is 20 minutes.." I say laughing ..
" don't ask questions... but come on let's go!" He says grabbing the bags and dragging me out .. we get in the car and he starts to drive ... when we get there I immediately get admitted... I start to go through labor... Jesus Christ did this hurt so much more than I expected ... Jefferson tried to calm me down but I just started to scream at him ..
" come on... breath... breath.. stop holding your breath... breath.." Jefferson says holding me hand
" JUST UP YOU FUCKING PETTY BITCH! I AM BREATHING! IM PUSHING A FUCKING HUMAN OUT! WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE THIS THEN SAY BREATH YOU BITCH!" I say digging my nails into his hand ... He steps back and the nurses laugh .. the nurse kinda looked like Olivia ... I'm just seeing things .. I'm in labor ... I can't trust Much ... everything started to go blurry
" wow okay rude... " he says laughing .. he try's to let go of my hand but I just dig my fingers in deeper ... then finally... all the pain is gone... the baby is born... it's a girl! We gonna name it .. Ari... they go have it get cleaned .. it was longer than usual...
" what if... something is wrong with the baby!" I start to freak out ...
" hey nothing is wrong .. remember they do test to make sure the baby's healthy..." he calms me down ... then Ari comes back ...
" she's so beautiful.." I say holding her ... she had a little hat on ... and she had such small toes ... and the bluest eyes ...

Time skip a day

I finally got to go home .... Jefferson had finished the nursery... he really was a baby crazy ... while Jefferson is rocking the baby I take this time to watch some news... you know catch up on some things ...

"Olivia West has been released from jail... she has been out for a whole week. People say that she is getting back in her feet and becoming a nurse ... but will people put behind her past? Or will they hold it against her ...." the news reporter says

My heart drops and I start to freak out... Olivia is free... the person who kidnapped my fiancée... how could she be free?
" JEFFERSON!" He comes running with the baby
"Olivia is out..." I say.. his heart drops ... he face turns pale ... but he can tell I'm more scared than him ...
" hey... hey... it's gonna be okay.." he says.. I look down at Ari... she's so beautiful.... I hold her and I start to calm down ..she was beautiful.. she seemed to always calm me down ...

Okay next chapter will be a big ole time skip ... so be ready for that ... also ima say thing again .. if you don't support the LGBTQ+ please don't talk to me... most of my books invole the LGBTQ+

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