Cheater? That depends

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This will be important in one of the story lines ... so just keep that out there ... I'm going to write the sad one first ! But I'll tell you when the story's start to separate!

Thomas POV

Even though I'm still mad at Y/N...still when I got off the plane i texted Y/N.. I already miss her ..

Jefferson : " I got here in Virginia and I'm about to head to the hotel! Make sure to eat Y/N! Foods in the cabient and the good snacks are above the fridge!!"

Y/N: " aww thanks Jefferson! I need a nickname for you ... hmm maybe bitch? Baby boy? 😂😂"

Jefferson : "👁👄👁 not funny ..."

Y/N: " Chile - anyways 💅"

Jefferson : " I'll think of a nickname .... ✋"

Well I'm glad she's more happy... I am to... at least we're not too mad at each other ...

I get an Uber to the hotel and get into my room ... I put all my bags down and then go to the car garage to get the car they gave me . Today there's a protest so I head over and join them ... we all sat down in the road and sang... we were peaceful ... and that's when the police showed up ... they started to release toxic gas.. I gave everybody around me a gas mask and told them to run ... some people decided to get others out of there .. those were the mains ones I have had gave masks ...

" what are you doing?" I say walking up to the police

"  secretary Jefferson!" They all say lining up and stopping what they were doing

" what do you think you are doing? Hurting the people? This was peaceful! " I say grabbing all their guns

" but sir they were in the street " the head caption says

" and you killed a inconnect person! They couldn't breath! Say their name! Say their fucking name! George Floyd ! Say their name!" I command ... they all say it... but they couldn't look me in the eye ...

" now you should be leaving .... and if not Washington will be hearing about this !" That makes them all hurry up and leave .... but did they even send Ambulances to help the people they hurt with the gas .. no! They hurt innocent children!

I head back to the people and help them get through the toxic gas ... I pour water in their eyes and give them fresh water to drink ... i make sure everybody is safe and we continue our protests ... we were heard ... loud and clear .... but this wouldn't be the only time I would have to use my position in the government and people I know against the police ...

Some of the people at the protest head to a bar after the protest .. I decided head with them, you know get to know the people I'm gonna spend a whole year with ... I get a little tipsy and see a pretty girl ... she walks over to me and we start to talk ... but then we start to do more than taking ... I mean it's not wrong because I'm not with Y/N... I take her back to the hotel and we .... well you know ... we have sex ... the next morning I wake up and I'm just so confused .... I look over and see a girl .. slaying next to me ... naked ... then she wakes up too...

"Oh hey baby we had some fun last eight ... wanna go again?" She says ... he Blanket drops and her full body is exposed ...

" no.. I love someone else ...Get out!" I say getting up and putting back in my boxers

" really baby? " she says getting up ...

" did we even use protection?" I say looking around ... the hotel was a mess:. The mini bar was raided .. things broken ... the blinds weren't even closed .. what if someone took pictures! My whole life would be ruined !! My job! Y/N....

" oh course not! We were up in the moment so expect a baby in 9 months! Daddy.." she says getting dressed and leaving .... how could she .... we didn't even know each other! We spent one night together and now she thinks I want a baby with her! I love Y/N.. Y/N is perfect! Funny ! And she doesn't let her past stop her! She uses it to make her more powerful! She is the most powerful person I ever know! And she's beautiful.... I should have told y/n !! That I loved her .... if I did I wouldn't be in this problem! I would be with Y/N !! I check my phone ... so many calls and texts from Y/N ... she's probably freaking out ...

Y/N: " Jefferson! Are you at the protest!? How's it going?"

Y/N: " Jefferson?"

Y/N: " heloooo!"

Y/N: " are you okay?

Y/N: " Jefferson please respond ... did they take you?"

Y/N: " do I need to come? "

Y/N: " Thomas please ..."

Y/N: " I'm scared Thomas ..."

Jefferson: " sorry I just fell asleep the protest was a success !🥳🥳" I respond

Y/N: " oh that's great! I gtg to work! ✌️"

She's probably mad at me .. she called me Thomas ... she only calls me Thomas when she's mad .. I head downstairs to the breakfast bar and eat some breakfast ... I see the girl who I just slept with go up the elevator with another man... I'm not gonna call her any names because I respect women but ... she just got done with me and she's going with another man .... I don't even remember what happened last night .... it's just all foggy ... Y/N... that's all I can think about .... I still have a whole year ....  without her ...


That wouldn't be the last time Jefferson would sleep with that women ... they would always meet at the bar ... and end up at his hotel ... despite that fact ... he helped many people ... and stopped the police from hurting people .... the people thanked him ... Jefferson made many friends throughout his time in Virginia .. he would even visit other states and help protests there ... he kept the police in check ....  but soon his time in Virginia would end .. and he would head back home ... to bad news ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now