The Orleans Singularity 2

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Alcaeus being a Caster now, he set off to meet with the other's as they got Artemis and Orion to meet up with the other's, they got Eyuiale and Asterios as they meet up on an island that Alcaeus said to meet up at to make this go smoothly, though, they were surprised on who Alcaeus's group got.

Solomon:" Artemis, you mean THE Artemis, the virgin goddess of the moon and hunt in Greek Mythology, how, Gods and Goddesses cannot be summoned as servants, the Norse gods would make sense, but-"

Alcaeus:" and I'm 8/10ths god, technically I shouldn't be summoned either, and actually, I think it's my fault, since I am as close to a god as most other servants will ever be, the root must have recorded the likes of Artemis as well as the other gods and goddesses as well, so now it's if they choose to be summoned, so I can only imagine what hell await's us further down the line"

Orion:" let's just say this is a thing and get it over with"

Alcaeus:" good, because we're picking up 2 more people once we leave, and it's important we have you here Artemis"

Artemis:" why me"

Alcaeus:" you'll find out soon, come on, before we face Blackbeard again in a fight"

Olga:" did you just say Blackbeard, one of the most famous Pirates of all time, we're facing HIM in a fight"

Alcaeus:" and his Crew, so let's not waste time"

heading to the island, they are treated by 2 people, and they are instantly recognized by 2 people"

Solomon:" David"

Artemis:" Atalanta"

Alcaeus:" David, Atalanta, you're here, and I assume your changes are fine as well"

David only got his BC essence to give a medium change to apply Death when attacking and increase his overall damage by 50 % against giant enemies, but Atalanta was a different story.

Cost: 12 (10 due to Alcaeus's tampering and 8 if Grailed)

ATK: 1,438/11,483 Grail ATK: 13,753

HP: 1,996/12,796 Grail HP: 15,207

Attribute: Earth

Growth Curve: Linear

Star Absorption: 148

Star Generation: 15%

NP Charge ATK: 1.15%   

NP Charge DEF: 4.5%

Death Rate: 45%

Alignments: True Neutral

Gender: Female

Traits: Argo-Related, Beast, Divine, Female, Humanoid, King, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

Command Card Deck: QQQAB Hit Count: Quick- 4, Arts-3, Buster- 4, Extra- 5


First Skill (cooldown 7-5)

Pankration B- - A- - A

Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns (45% - 75% based on level)
Increases party's defense for 3 turns (20% - 30% based on level)
increases party's critical stars generation rate for 3 turns (50% - 150% based on level)
Increases own critical damage for 3 turns ( 60% - 120% based on level) 
(after interlude 1)
Ignores Evasion for 3 turn (after Interlude 2)

Second Skill (cooldown 8-6)

Arcadian Huntress B - A - A+

Increases own critical star absorption for 1 turn (500% - 1000% based on level)
Increases own damage against Beast type enemies for 3 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Increases own defense against Beast type enemies for 3 turns (25% - 50% based on level)
Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turns ( 30% - 50% based on level) (after interlude 3)
Recovers own HP (30% - 80% based on level) (after interlude 4)

Fate grand order maxusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora