Alcaeus's Dialogue 2

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if you have Morgan Le Fay:" so she is here... forced to watch as her father was killed, her mother brutally raped, see some of her sibling's killed off, be dethroned and denounced of any status as a nobleman, sold as a prostitute in shame and humiliation, and last but not least, have all her children basically brainwashed by Merlin to believe she is an undeniable evil that should be hated... it's no wonder she said fuck everyone and tried to destroy Artoria and everything she built, she just didn't care at that point, this timeline that is, my Morgan's timeline is... darker to say the least... don't ask master, it's something even i don't want to know"

if you have Rein's:" hello their little girl, for someone your age, you're quite skilled, aren't you... what, I am a sick, twisted, devious man who would fit in well in the mage's association, my dear girl, I am a good man who does the right thing even if it end's in bloodshed, I'd sooner destroy the Mages association rather than actually join, I only see myself joining to destroy them from within... that's what you meant... oh... then I guess I would fit in, won't I"

if you have Lanling Wang:" hello... what, my beauty could cause trouble so why don't I wear a mask... I don't usually wear a mask, but does a helmet count, I wore one like that before, the only time my face causes trouble is when people know who I am and I smile, cause that's when you know I'm planning something"

if you have Anastasia:" do I care for your feelings, honestly speaking, not really, when you were our enemy, you made light of humanity, so I will not forgive that... do I look down on the Lostbelts... as I am technically a god of creation and destruction, the Lostbelts can only be seen by me as an "experiment" to me to see if it works out as a different route for humanity, and Gaia didn't support them for a reason, you and other's cannot comprehend it as I do, destroying them is our of pity and mercy rather than malice, believe me, I don't like this any more than master"

if you have Arjuna (archer or Alter):" listen up kid, you're going to learn the most important lesson on being a hero, if you care about being the hero you say you are, then listen to this and go with it... HERO'S DO NOT SEEK PRAISE OR THANK'S FROM THE PEOPLE THEY SAVE, THEY WILL SAVE PEOPLE WHETHER THEY ARE LOVED OR NOT, AND THEY DON'T GO AROUND FORCING PEOPLE TO DO SO EITHER, THIS IS SO OBVIOUS, BUT IT SEEM'S OBLIVIOUS TO YOU SOMEHOW, SO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, AND GET THING'S RIGHT (smack!!!!!!!!!)... okay, I got my anger out... so, will we see Nightingale to reattach your neck bones"

if you have Frankenstine (berserker or saber):" hey Fran, how's the throat feel, any complication's speaking, any soreness of any kind, and difficulties at times, tell me and I'll see if I can help"

if you have Nobunaga (Archer):"... we're not going to have any more GUDAGUDA singularities, are we, it's getting pretty old at this point, also, when can I get my event's... I'd probably get more if I didn't make them near impossible... fine, I'll make some plan's then"

if you have Paris:" (shiver) my bad Paris... but that lamb on your head... mind if I stab it with my spear, don't worry, I won't kill you, I only want the god in the sheep body dead"

if you have Fionn:" hey man... tell me, who the hell set your skill's the first time, as powerful and famous as you were, how were you treated too poorly, I guess it's early servant development that made that happen, buts till, why'd it take to long to fix, at least I did you justice in the very least, so let's get a drink" 

if you have Hōzōin Inshun:" oh, the monk spearman, hey, I wish to have a spear sparing match, see who's spearmanship is better, the winner will get one demand from the loser to make it interesting... hum, my godly power makes it impossible for you to win, don't worry, I'll be 100 percent mortal for the match... that hardly makes a difference, come now, how bad can it be (after spar match) I'll keep your arm's as souvenirs for this match, bye"

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