The Big 5 Support Casters part 1

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and of course, he changed the big 5 supporter's, and for those not familiar with them, their names are Zhuge Liang ( or Lord El-Melloi II or more commonly Waver), Tamamo no Mae, Merlin, Scáthach-Skaði, and lastly, the new one added,  Artoria Caster, now arguably, the like's of Hans Christian Andersen, Medea (Lily), Helena Blavatsky, Irisviel (Dress of Heaven), Gilgamesh (Caster), and Asclepius, and as this is caster's, the other classes are not involved, but we're looking at the best support's only... for now at least, but here we go


Cost: 16 (14 due to Alcaeus's tampering, and 12 if grailed)

ATK: 2,560/11,055  Grail ATK: 12,345

HP: 2,995/14,985  Grail HP: 16,203

Attribute: Man

Growth Curve: S

Star Absorption: 25

Star Generation: 15%

NP Charge ATK: 2% NP

Charge DEF: 5%

Death Rate: 65%

Alignments: Neutral・Good

Gender: Male

Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Humanoid, Living Human, Male, Pseudo-Servant, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

Command Card Deck: QAAAB Hit Count: Quick- 5, Arts- 4, Buster- 2, Extra- 5


First Skill (cooldown 7-5)

Wisdom of the Master B - A - A+ - A++

apply party regeneration every 5 turns (10% - 15% based on level)
apply Double the number of hits when normal attacking to party for 3 turns
Increase Party NP gauge by 45% (after interlude 1)
increase NP generation to party for 5 turns (30% - 75% based on level) (after interlude 2)
apply a 3 time guts to party (50% - 90% based on level) (after interlude 3)

Second Skill (cooldown 7-5)

Advice of the Strategist C+ - A+ - EX

Grants party Invincibility 3 hits
seal all enemies' NP for 3 turns
seal all enemies' skills for 3 turns (after interlude 4)
Increases party defense by 30% for 3 turns (after interlude 5)
Further increases party defense for 3 turns (10% - 30% based on level) (after interlude 6)

Third Skill ( cooldown 7-5)

Command of the Strategist B - B+ - A+

Removes party's debuffs
apply party Ignore defense and attack class disadvantage for 5 turns
Recovers party's HP ( 10% - 50% based on level) 
(after interlude 7)
Apply increase damage against Humanoid enemies to party for 3 turns ( 40% - 75% based on level) (after interlude 8)
Apply increase defense against Humanoid enemies to party for 3 turns ( 25% - 45% based on level) (after interlude 9)

Passive Skills

Magic Resistance B+
Increases own debuff resistance by 18%

Independent Action A
 Increases own critical damage by 10%

Territory Creation A
Increases own Arts performance by 10%

Item Construction B
Increases own debuff success rate by 8%

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