The Septem Singularity part 1

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after getting their week of grueling and bone-breaking (figuratively and literally) training done, the select servent's were selected, however, this time was different, instead of powerhouses, they went for moderately strong instead, the servents were Kiyohime since she was new, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hassan of the Hundred faces, Georgios, Seigfried, Kid Gil, and Musashibō Benkei this time (of course Solomon's going, just assume he is in the list once it's said).

Solomon:" hey, aren't these servant's notably weaker than the one's we sent for the last singularity, what gives"

Mash:" yes, wouldn't it be better to keep the team we had"

Alcaeus:" indeed it would, but then we'd be predictable keeping the same team for every singularity for our enemy to use against us, we can't just use the same servant team over and over again, or else we'd lose our element of surprise and some tactical flexibility in our fighting power, as well as these guy's earning some rest as well since I pushed the more powerful servant's especially harder than the rest, Artoria still has a broken Femur as well so she is out of action for now"

Mash:" oh yeah, the training was so gruesome and tiring I honestly lost count of how many servants there are in medical need right now"

Alcaeus:" it is a shame, however, this time, we're going to need it, I figured getting servant's who don't take up to much of Master's Mana (team costs) with the exception of Seigfried since we need one power player other than myself and you, this should work, though you're staying behind this time Mash, since you're still in training to get used to your power's as a Demi-servant, you're sitting out of this one, but by the time we get back, you better be ready for the next singularity no matter what"

Mash:"... is it really alright to sit back while Senpai risk his life"

Alcaeus:" we're here as well you know"

De Vinci:" don't be to sad, I mean, Ritsuka isn't exactly lacking in protection anyway, so it should be fine, though what's with some of their different look's"

Alcaeus did select a few servants to have their abilities improved on during that week of hellish training, kill 2 bird's with one stone, some even got better stat's overall, small improvements like giving Hassan of the Hundred faces a necklace that would make her better handle splitting into the hundred Hassan and improve their combat capability (NP now has higher damage and removes enemy buffs after attacking).

hundred faced Hassan:" now we all are able to talk telepathically with one another and my head doesn't hurt as much, I'm thankful for this gift Alcaeus, and I'll make sure to put it to good use"

Alcaeus:" you're welcome, I just hope it does you good, I could also help buff your weapon's to applied curse when you strike an enemy, just line up and I'll hand the weapons"

Hundred Faced Hassan:" we'll take you up on that offer once we get in the field and have a moment to spare"

Alcaeus:" and let's not forget Seigfried, who I make even stronger than he already was, he should be the Ace up the sleeve when I'm not around"

Olga:" yeah, he was a real help in Orlean's, so he should be able to do more than he was able to now, especially since he's basically a tank now"

Alcaeus:" now Seigfried, with your buff's, I want someone of your caliber and skill to get used to fighting with master as one of the more trustworthy servants in his  servant's, and everyone else here cannot argue about that even if they tried ( made him similar to how he was in Apocrypha now, so he is far more powerful now)"

Seigfried:" I think you're giving me too much praise"

Alcaeus:" a man of your legend and feat's, no way am I overestimating or underestimating your abilities, though, I think I went a little to far with Kiyohime"

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